Quiz 5 Flashcards
What are some consequences of excess sediment on macrophytes (aquatic plants & algae)? (3)
- reduced primary productivity/photosynthesis
- reduced biomass
- displaced plants
What are some consequences of excess sediment on invertebrates (insect, larvae, zooplankton)? (3)
- increased drift = reduced populations
- increases susceptibility to predation
- damages exposed respiratory organs
What are some consequences of excess sediment on salmonids? (3)
- increased stress, disease, mortality
- habitat reduction
- blocks pores in nests, preventing sufficient O2 exchange
Consequences of excess sediment unrelated to biota? (2)
- stream channel shape
- sediments can have toxins sorbed to them
What are the 4 steps for managing sediment pollution?
1. Identify _____.
2. Set _____ based on _____ of stream.
3. _____ source of _____.
4. Implement _____ management _____.
goals - use
find - sediment
appropriate - practices
Excess sediment management practices:
reduce soil erosion + increase infiltration
Excess sediment management practices:
edge of water
slow water via buffer strips, wetlands, etc.
Excess sediment management practices:
dissipate energy + improve channel stability
What are some examples of things utilized to dissipate stream energy?
meanders, log veins, rip rap
TSS stands for?
Total Suspended Solids
Trophic state: eutrophic (green)
highly productive - lots of algal/plants biomass
Trophic state: oligotrophic
low productivity - clear, blue
Hypoxic Zones: excess ____ and/or ____ that lead to algal _____. When the algae _____ & _____, this creates ______ or a Dead Zone.
N - P / bloom / die - decompose / hypoxia
Drinking water contamination is a _____ of nutrient pollution. NO3 or ____ is toxic to humans & highly ____.
consequence - nitrate - mobile
HABs or __(3)__ can harbor a toxin called _____ that is toxic to _____.
harmful algal blooms - cyanobacteria - mammals