Quiz 5 Flashcards
True or false? The Bible tells us that the fruit Eve ate in the Garden of Eden was an apple.
False. The fruit is not named (Genesis 2:17)
When Abram and Lot separated, which way did Lot go?
Lot went to the plain of Jordan, which was “well watered, like the garden of the Lord”
Who in the book of Genesis, took fresh cut branches and made white stripes on them by peeling back the bark and exposing the inner wood?
Which king of the Philistines did Isaac go to during a time of famine?
To what use did the king of Samaria want to put Naboth’s vineyard?
Vegetable garden
In John 12, what must a grain of wheat do to produce many seeds?
Fall in the ground and die
The roots of which tree produce charcoal to make incendiary arrows?
Broom tree
Which prophet wrote these words: “The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved”?
In Hosea, what will you reap if you sow the wind?
The whirlwind
In the Parable of the Sower, where did the third lot of seed land?
Among thorns
At the Passover, what plant did Moses use to sprinkle blood on the doorposts of houses?
What type of fungus, regarded as God’s punishment on the disobedient, did Solomon pray for deliverance from in his prayer at the dedication of the temple?
True or false? Jesus asked the people whether they had gone out into the desert to see sand blown by the wind.
False. Jesus said, “a reed swayed by the wind” (Matthew 11:7)
In Isaiah 42, what kind of reed will the servant of the Lord not break?
A bruised (bent) reed
Who said, “I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed”?
The servant who hid his one talent in the ground