Quiz #4 Review Flashcards
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
value of all new production in a nation in a given period of time
Actual GDP (Y)
actual amount of production
Potential GDP (YF)
highest amount of production that an economy can achieve and sustain (based on the amount of available resources)
Y = YF
Healthy Economy
Y < YF
Resources Not Fully Used
Y > YF
Beyond Sustainability
actual GDP falls for two consecutive quarters or more
prolonged, deep decline in GDP
How does GDP relate to unemployment?
If the actual GDP falls below the potential GDP, then there is unemployment in the economy
Frictional Unemployment
enough jobs, but haven’t found a job yet. Happens because job search takes time
Structural Unemployment
enough jobs, but a mismatch between skills and jobs. Happens because economy grows/changes
Demand-deficient Unemployment
not enough jobs for all actively seeking unemployment (unhealthy economy)
Natural Rate of Unemployment
sum of frictional and structural rates
Why do some argue that the unemployment rate understates the true amount of unemployment in the economy?
discouraged worker, underemployed (high skill but are working in a low skill job)
Price Level
an aggregate measure of prices in the economy