Quiz 4 Flashcards
Echinodermata - Chordata and Insects
What is Phylum Echinodermata?
- Marine / Free Living
- Ossicles (internal skeleton)
- Pentamerous (radial symmetry)
- Pedicellaria (almost microscopic jaws)
Internal Skeleton
Almost Microscopic Jaws that move debris off of the organism
Class Sea Stars
- 5 arms
- Tube Feet
- Eversible Stomach (can spit out stomach to save itself from predators and regenerate later
Eversible Stomach
Sea Stars and Sea Cucumbers can spit it out to save itself from predators and regenerate later
Class Brittle Stars
- 5 thin arms
- Central Disc Body
- Reduced Tube Feet
- Use Arms to Move
Class Sea Urchins
- Moveable Spines
- Fused Ossicles (internal skeleton) called a Test
The Fused Ossicles of Sea Urchins
Class Sea Cucumbers
- Elongated
- Ossicles Reduced (internal skeleton)
- Eversible Stomach
Phylum Chordata
Must Go Through All Stages
- Notochord: stiff rod that runs down dorsal surface to offer support
- Dorsal Nerve Tube: runs along side notochord
- Gill Slits: Gill Pouches
- Post Anal Tail
stiff rod that runs down dorsal surface to offer support
Dorsal Nerve Tube
runs along side notochord
Gill Slits
Gill Pouches
Post Anal Tail
one requirement for Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Tunicates (Main is Phylum Chordata)
- Sac like bodies
- marine filter-feeders
- grow attached to surfaces
Subphylum Tunicates Species Example
Sea Squirts
Subphylum Vertebrada (Main Phylum Chordata)
- Cranium
- Vertebre surrounds spinal cord
- 2 pairs of appendages (Four total, two front and two back)
Phylum Arthropoda
- Largest Phylum
- 75% of all animals (most are insects)
- Separate sexes
- Lived for 300 million years
to visually trick a predator
Types of Crypsis
- Camouflage
- Mimesis
- Mimicry
to blend into the general background
to look like something that a predator would have no interest in (stick bugs / leaf mantid)
Warning Coloration
the use of bright colors that attract attention so the predator is aware not to eat that organism
General Mimicry
organism mimics another organism
Batesian Mimicry
organism mimics a dangerous organism BUT they are NOT dangerous themselves
Mullerian Mimicry
organism mimics a dangerous organism AND they ARE dangerous themselves
Functions of Exoskeleton
what system gives an organism support/protection/and keeps muscles attached
What is an Exoskeleton Made of?
Made of Chitin
takes in pigments
Exoskeletons must be…