Quiz 4 Flashcards
How long is a full term?
Two long semesters
How many terms can an officer hold?
Two full terms
During a suspension period, the suspended member must attend what percentage of all general business meetings?
How muc does it cost to obtain an anial lifetime membership to LAE?
12 times the annual dues
What ar the GPA requirements of LAE?
3.0 CJ GPA and 2.75 overall GPA
What percentage of Delta Chi active prticipant members shall constitute a quorum?
What behavior can get you expelled from LAE?
Dishonest conduct
Criminal/fraudulent acts
Acting in a manner to discredit the organization
Obstructing the smooth and normal flow of the organization
What is the order of events at a regular meeting?
- Call to order
- Reading of Minutes
- Reading of the Officer’s Reports
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Good of Association
- Meeting Adjournment
When is alcohol not allowed?
At any LAE sponsered event, unless from a third party vendor
Inorder to amend the bylaws of Delta Chi, what must be present?