Quiz 4 Flashcards
Happiness, or even blessedness, though not as a temporary mood, but as a sense of complete fulfillment, a final and total wholeness of existence, a completeness of who we are
Bhakti Marga
in Hinduism, the way of devotion, a means of salvation through ones devoted relationship to a personal god
Grace (salvation by)
the idea of receiving salvation as a gift of divine love
Jnana marga
in Hinduism, the way of knowledge, a means of salvation through gnostic realization of ones identity with Brahman
literally, liberation, the idea in religions of India of a salvation described as an escape from rebirth in samsara
Religious universalism
the belief that ultimately all people will achieve the ideal state of being
- Samsara: in religious traditions of India, the realms of life and rebirth, thus all the realms of possible reincarnation, ultimately viewed negatively as the world to be denied and escaped
Summum bonum
literally the highest good, a term used generally as synonymous with beatitude
the characteristic of having no images (icons) or rejecting the use of images
literally beautiful writing, thus the art of making letters (as in the Quran) or glyphs (as in Chinese), especially decorative or elaborate
in Tibetan Buddhism, a detailed and colourful representation of, for example, the dwelling of an enlightened being. The artwork itself is meticulously and meditatively produced then destroyed.
Performative art
those artistic practices that are active, like dance or drama
Pictorial art
the drawing and painting of depictions that represent sacred beings or sacred stories
Commisioning experience
A supernatural encounter that calls a person to special service to god
Ecstatic(religious experience)
literally to “stand outside oneself”, having an experience of absorption in a sacred power outside oneself
Enstatic (religious experience)
literally to “stand inside oneself”, having an experience of absorption in a deeper experience inside oneself, absorbed perhaps in one’s own contemplations