Quiz #3 Review Flashcards
how to find elasticity for a simple regression (P and Q)
estimated coefficient x (P/Q) = elasticity at that point
-so, choose a P, calculate Q according to regression equation…caclulate elasticity
elasticity along a linear demand curve changes or doesn’t change?
it changes, dependong on where you are on the curve
how do you estimate a curvilinear regression in STATA?
convert all data to natural logs
-run regression exactly the same
formula for a demand function that is downward sloping and curvilinear
Qd = a(P^b)
taking the log of both variables (DV and IVs) changes the interpretation to percentages
-a certain percent change in X is associated with a certain percentage change in Y
log-log and their beta and curves
if it starts toward the origin and is convex, Beta will be greater than 1
if if starts at the origin and is concave down, beta will be between 0 and 1
if it starts higher than the origin and is convex, beta will be less than zero
log linear
conversion of DV to logs
- leave IV as they are
- changes to the DV are interepreted as percentages, not units
ex: ln(sellingPrice) = 6.21-.08x(age)
a one year increase in the age of the house translates to an 8% increase in the decrease in the selling price of the house
-because DV is log, we must multiply the coefficient by 100 to interpret impact
linear log
convert the IV(s) to logs, leave the DV as it is
-changes in the IV are now interepreted as percentages, not units
ex: number of dining out experiences = -37.9 + 11.33*(LnIncome)
a 9% increase in income translates to (9*.11 or .99) about a 1 time increase in dining out per month
-must divide the coefficient by 100 to translate impact