quiz 3 Flashcards
difficult definition, often describes women in groups, hindering or helping heroes
Princess of Troy, blames herself for war despite it not being her fault, smart, creates an epic poetic tapestry
a phantom at Troy, the real thing in Egypt, faithful wife, represents the anxieties and danger of women moving/travelling
Greek interpretation of Helen of Troy
Differences in how heroines are portrayed:
-Peripheral role
-Rarely involve travel or physical strength
-Stories about love and connection to others
Lee R. Edwards “Psyche as Hero: female heroism and Fictional Form”
All heroism appeals to love, makes love its end, relies on faith where knowledge is impossible, not necessarily romantic or sexual love
Lee R. Edwards definition of heroism
Idealized Greek male, defeated monsters, mortal who enters Olympus after death, worshipped throughout Mediterranean
Zeus and Alcmene have twins, Hera tries to kill Heracles with snakes, baby Heracles defeats snakes, Hera drives adult Heracles mad making him kill his wife (Megara) and children
Heracles’ birth and constant persecution by Hera
Nemean lion with indestructible skin, Heracles wrestles lion and takes skin as armour
First labour
contests undertaken for a prize, In Heracles’ case: immortality
Capture or relocation of dangerous animals, establishes spacial boundaries, represents fear of wild animals and other cultural norms, crossing social boundaries makes you dangerous like animals (Amazons)
Five labours
Heracles’ as murderer of his wife an child, is convinced not to kill himself by Theseus, can one go out into the world and be violent and then fit back into domesticated life? Connected to athletes going mad after multiple concussions
Euripides’ “The madness of Heracles”
Heracles kills centaur Nessos, saves Deianira, Nessos gives Deianira fake love potion.
Deianira is jealous of younger woman and give Heracles love potion that is actually poison, he dies and Deianira kills herself in guilt.
Then Heracles’ son marries his dad’s young lover? This is weird and paints Heracles as a monstrous crosser of boundaries
Sophocles’ “Trachiniae”
Heracles’ confronts animals more than any other hero, common origins with “master of animals” figure
Interpretive approach to Heracles by Walter Burkert, story origins and patterns
Seven character types, 31 functions
Always happen in order even if some are skipped
Fits Heracles’ stories but not all myths
Vladimir Propp’s Mythology of the Folktale
Artemis wants Admetos dead, Apollo wants to save him as he is a good host.
They call on Thanatos who says they need a replacement, Admetos’ wife volunteers but asks him not to remarry.
Heracles finds out and saves wife from underworld but she cannot speak, a heroine who is not respected or asked her wants and needs
Euripides’ Alcestis
Romantic legends grafted onto saga of the return of a prince
Meets many people, gods, and monsters
Returning to wife Penelope and son Telemachus on Ithaca
Odysseus’ Adventures
mortal embodiment of Metis (wisdom and cunning)
learns from female characters