quiz 3 Flashcards
Subtractive bilingualism
the acquisition of a second language results in the deterioration of the heritage language. common amongst immigrants
non-metalinguistic factors that comprise communicative competence
-learning styles
-social conditions
-attitude–>towards learning or L2 language
Learning styles: sensory and cognitive
Sensory learning styles:
1. visual learners: those who need to see in order to understand
2. auditory learners: those who need to hear in order to undertand
3. kinaesthetic learners: those who require physical action in order to understand
Cognitive learning styles:
1. field-independent learners: those who tend to separate details from the general background–who are detail-oriented but often lose track of the global objective
2. field-dependent learners: those who tend to see things more holistically-who struggle with details but keep track of the global objective
Motivation: the evolution from category orientation (Gardner & Lambert) to process orientation (Dornyei)
Instrumental motivation: a practical or pragmatic reason for language study
Integrative motivation: learners’ attitudes to the L2 community–language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment through contact with speakers of the target language
Krashen’s 5 hypotheses in his “monitor model”
- the acquisition/learning
2.the monitor
3.the order
4.the input - the affective filter.
Detailed focus on “i +1”… with the “+1” addend and without it
Comprehensive input = i
Language that is one step beyond the learner’s abilities = +1
There is no acquisition because there is nothing more to learn and acquiring means learning more. Comprehension occurs, but it does not translate to acquisition.
Detailed focus on “i +1”… the cognitive and emotive phenomenon that derives from recognizing the limits of one’s ability and feeling the need to acquire more language ability in order to express oneself articulately
-comprehension only
-comprehension alone does not result in acquisition(language again)
Michael Long’s interaction hypothesis and his subsequent ammendment to it.
In order for acquisition to take place, the learner has to negotiate.Parents/Teachers have to modify their interaction for input comprehension
The evolution of declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge: the development of automaticity
Mention each steps of a learning process = declarative knowledge = learn how to drive a car, step-by-step, recall the steps in your head, conscious about the process
Procedural knowledge = is when the knowledge becomes automatic, no need to recall the steps in your head. When you do not need to focus on old information anymore, only on new information.
Restructuring: “backsliding”
Is an indication of something that is positive. It’s a way to understand what they are saying. Their understanding on the language is getting deeper.
e.g = seed instead of saw
It’s an indication that the kid is leaning new language patterns and is trying to integrate them into their speech.