Quiz 3 Flashcards
What is the fraternity’s website?
What are two things the fraternity’s hazing policy prohibits?
Condoning or conducting hazing activities
Pre-initiation activities on the day or evening prior to the day of Court of Honor or Ritual
Initiation that would cause persons to be physicals or mentally fatigued
Verbal abuse of an individual, including shouting, screaming and the use of profanity
What are two things the fraternity’s sexual harassment policy prohibits?
Condoning or permitting unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other sexually offensive verbal or physical contact
Condoning or tolerating any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional.
What are two things the fraternity’s alcohol and drug policy prohibits?
No alcoholic beverages may be purchased using chapter, pledge class or fraternity funds; including slush funds
No alcohol shall be present at any pledge program
No “drinking games” shall be permitted
No member or pledge shall purchase alcohol for a minor
The possession or use of a common source container at events or gatherings
All alcohol, regardless of age of attendees, at pledge program events or gatherings
The possession, sale or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances
What does the fraternity’s fire and health safety policy address?
All premises used for Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity operations, prior to, during and following occupancy, must meet all local fire/health codes and standards as well as any applicable federal, state, county and municipal laws, ordinances and regulations.
What does the fraternity’s publication of inappropriate material policy address?
Prohibit members from producing, publishing, and/or distributing any material, whether written or electronically as text, audio, video, or some combination of all three that could be deemed harmful to the good name and reputation of the Fraternity.
What does ACR stand for?
Annual Chapter Report
What is the purpose of the ACR?
The Annual Chapter Report is the chapter’s planning tool, performance measurement tool and recognition program. It includes the basic expectations for chapter operations.
During each school year, how many initiations is your chapter required to hold?
What are the governing documents of the fraternity?
Constitution and Statutory Code
Board of Directors Statement of Policy
The Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi
Chapter Bylaws