Quiz #3 Flashcards
The Significance of 1942-1943
The years when German power reached it’s height and then began to wane. Peak years of killing. The Jews seemed to be doomed.
Wannsee Conference
January 20th, 1942
Produced the official report now called the Wannsee protocol. The SS, the foreign office, Adolf Eichmann, the security police, etc. were involved. No one was opposed or objected to the policy and practice of annihilation
Final Solution
Many accounts and films claim that the final solution was the plan to murder all jews but by January of 1942, the plan was underway
Question of them
Germans of mixed Jewish and non-Jewish parentage
Vilna and Abba Kovner’s manifesto
- Germans and Lithuanians working together had killed tens of thousands of Jews by December of 1941. Abba Kovner was a leading member of the Zionist-Socialist youth movement. Claimed that the Jews of Vilna were being annihilating and the Jews of Lithuania were the first to be in line
New Order
the Nazi’s and hitler planned to win the war
not only would defeat the nemy military but it would create a new order
General Plan for the East
german planters developed in detail the implications of their notion of LEben sraum-living space, in an initiative called the General plan for the east. was a warrant for what is now called ethnic cleansing
German plan east was so full of them like much of Nazi writings. they talked about reducing or removing certain populations. nevertheless the intentions were obvious
the German plan for the east envisioned Germanization of a vast territory that stretched eastward from the old German Reich to the Ural mountains. someday, according to plan, hundreds of millions of people would live there; aryan germans and their slaves
labor camps
inmates were not gassed, but they were beated starved and used for experiments
mass detention camps
non-jewish men and women from conquered nations
used them to work in military, factories, mines, and quarries
Dora-Mittelbau and V-2 rockets
a camp in north-central germany not far from the city of Gottinghen. in its extensive underground facility slave laborers built v-2 rockets
arbeit macht frei
the sign over the gate of Auschwitz read work liberates
female ss units
there were female ss units, usually assigned to communication duties and housekeeping for ss men at the front. chosen on the basis of their supposedly viable blood were expected to help german ss men resist the temptations of sexual liasions with non-aryans
irma grese and ilse koch
most infamous women were cruel
wild rumors circulated about her sexual deviancy and her fondness of lampshades and household decorations made of human flesh
realized that he or should could be replaced at a moments notice
hierarchhies of power within the camps
had access to power and privilege
recruited them from gree and red traingles
colored badges
criminals wore green, communists -red, roma and asocials were marked with a black badge, jehovah’s witnesses were purple, a pink triangle represented homosexual men, and yellow meant jew
the men with the pink triangle
harassed and persecuted gay men and men suspected of homosexuality
a threat to racial health bc they did not produce children
they were confused if it was biological or not
justification or authority
having an uncoopwerative atitutde towards authority or discipline
tenacity, spirit, moral fiber