quiz 2__quiz 2 Flashcards
which of the following joints is a plane joint?
anatomically components of the thoracic wall proper include the:
intercostal muscles
the following bones form the proximal row of carpal bones, except:
pyruvate carboxylase is allosterically regulated by:
acetyl coA
the long head of the triceps brachii originates from:
this bone contains the general originates pf the bulk of the muscle of the forearm
the freely reversible reaction of the tricarboxylic acid is
succinate thiokinase (or succinyl CoA synthase)
all known effects of cAMP in eukaryote cells result from
activation of protein kinase
whic of the following is not a product of the pentose phosphate pathway?
what is the substrarte for the only physiologically irreversible reaction in the krebs cycle?
how many bones make up the orbit?
citrate has a positive allosteric effect on which of the following enzymes?
fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
what enzyme is primarily responsible for metabolising alcohol?
alcohol dehydrogenase
which of the following syndromes is not aneuploidy?
prader-willi syndrome
which is sex limited disorder?
the posterior cruciate ligament of the knee:
resists anterior displacement of the tibia
uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation such as dinitrophenol:
allows electron transport to proceed without ATP syntesis
which cytogenetic investigation is the most appropriate for clinical diagnosis of kleinfelter syndrome?
routine metaphase chromosome analysis
the massetorie fascia is formed from which of the following?
superficial layer of cervical fascia
the flared portion of the bone between the shaft and the expanded end is:
which vertebrae have transverse foramina?
cervical only
which doesn’t participate in the atlanto-axial synovial joint?
ligamentum nuchae