quiz 2 - production costs, profit maximization Flashcards
what three considerations must firms make?
1 - what is the lowest cost method of producing good
2 - given the costs for producing each possible good, what should they produce
3 - how much of that good should they produce?
what are the three types of costs
accounting costs
economic costs
opportunity costs
accounting cost
Actual expenses plus depreciation charges for capital equipment
economic costs
Cost to a firm of utilizing economic resources in production, including opportunity cost
opportunity costs
Cost associated with opportunities that are forgone when a firm’s resources are not put to their best alternative use.
total costs
Total economic cost of production, consisting of fixed + variable costs
fixed costs
Cost that does not vary with the level of output and that can be eliminated only by shutting down
Examples include overhead costs like paying the electricity bill in an office, or paying back office staff like accountants
In the long-run, no costs are fixed because if production increased enough, you would need more offices and more accountants
A fixed cost can be avoided in the long run (but not in the short run) – you can shut down your operation and stop paying the cost
variable cost
aka marginal costs
Cost that varies as output varies.
variable cost = sum of all marginal costs
sunk cost
Cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered (even if you shut down)
is a warehouse a sunk cost?
no, if you have a warehouse, it is a fixed cost. However, it is not sunk, because you can sell the warehouse – it has an alternative use
is a market study a sunk cost?
yes, it is a fixed cost, but it is also sunk because you cannot sell it – it has no alternative use
is tuition a sunk cost
how do costs change over time
in the very short run, all costs are fixed
in the very long run, all costs are variable
average total cost
firm’s total cost divided by output
AC(Q) = C(Q)/Q
note that total cost includes fixed and variable costs
marginal cost
Increase in cost resulting from the production of one extra unit of output.
MC = dTC/dQ