Quiz 2 Partial 3 Flashcards
Writing Guidelines Business Letters
Writing Guidelines Business Letters Prewriting
- Considering Your Audience…Who is your reader, and how will he or she feel about your message?
- Determining Your Purpose…Jot down your reason for writing or what you want your reader to know or do.
- Gathering Details… Collect the information you will need for your letter. Think about the best way to organize and present it.
Writing Guidelines Business Letters Writing and revising
- Organizing the Details… Organize your letter in three parts.
Beginning: Introduce the message by stating the topic and purpose of your letter.
Middle: Present whatever information is appropriate for the kind of letter you are writing. Use a voice that fits your purpose—persuasive, informative, and so on.
Ending: Focus on the outcome. What do you want the reader to do, and when, and how? Is there an action you will take?
- Improving Your Writing… Revise your first draft, asking these questions:
Ideas: Is my main point clear? Are my details accurate and complete?
Organization: Does each paragraph develop one main idea?
Voice: Do I use a polite, respectful tone?
- Improving Your Style… Revise for style, asking these questions:
Word Choice: Do I use clear, natural words?
Sentence Fluency: Have I written smooth-flowing sentences?
Writing Guidelines Business Letters Editing and proofreading
- Checking for Conventions… Check for errors in punctuation, mechanics, and grammar.
- Preparing a Final Copy
Parts of a business letter
- Heading
- Inside Address
- Salutation
- Body
- Complementary closing
- Signature
- Initials, enclosures, copies
Parts of a business letter: Heading
The heading gives the writer’s complete address, plus the date
Ex. Monroe Chamber of Commerce
105 Easy Bay Road
Monroe, LA 31404-1832
(Date could be here or you could put it after the 4 to 7 spaces. )
Parts of a business letter: Inside address
The inside address gives the reader’s name and complete mailing address (including the company name). If the person’s title is a single word or very short, place it after the name, separated by a comma. Longer titles go on a separate line. Ex. Ms. Charlotte Williams, Manager Belles Lettres Books 1617 Delta Mall Road Monroe, LA 31404-0012
Parts of a business letter: Salutation
Use Dear with people only. Place a colon after the name.
Parts of a business letter: Body
NO INDENTS with double spacing between them
(1) the beginning states why you are writing
(2) the middle provides all the needed details
(3) the ending focuses on what should happen next.
Parts of a business letter: Complimentary Closing
Sincerely, Yours sincerely, Yours truly,—followed by a comma. Capitalize only the first word of complimentary closings.
Parts of a business letter: Signature
The signature makes the letter official. It concludes the writer’s handwritten name and corresponding typed name.
Parts of a business letter: Initials, Enclosures, Copies
EX: EL:tj (Writer’s initials)
EX: Encl. membership brochure
EX: cc: Peter Sanchez, Membership Chairperson or cc: Accounts Receivables
a word that is used to take the place of a noun. Remember, you have antecedents. An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun refers to or replaces.
Ex: Ambrosch was considered the important person in the family. Mrs. Shimerda and Antonia always deferred to him, though he was often surly with them and contemptuous toward his father.
Subjective, objective and possesive
An adjective describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun. The articles a, an, and the are also adjectives
adverb describes or modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Remember, an adverb usually tells when, where, how, or how much.