Quiz 2 (Objective) Flashcards
Rational process by which we understand a text. Interpreted to the context as reference.
Liberal construction
the act of interpreting a writing, such as a constitution or statute, in a way that applies it to the situation presented and tends to achieve the spirit and purpose of the writing. this resolves all reasonable doubt in favor of the applicability of the statute
Pari Materia
RELATING TO THE SAME SUBJECT. When there are two laws covering the same subject which are irreconcilably inconsistent with each other, one will be struck down as having been repealed by the other. The general idea is that a later law on the same subject repeals an earlier law. This is pursuant to the Civil Code provision that “laws are repealed only by subsequent ones”
Strict Construction
This when the letter of the statute is enlarged or restrained to accomplish its intended purpose. It allows the extension of the statute beyond the literal meaning of the words used in order to include cases within the mischief that the statute seeks to address.
Legislative Intent
This is determined principally from the language of a statute.
Judicial Legislation
Judicial Activism
Res Judicata
Cause of Action
Lites Pedentia
Finality of Judgement
Verba Legis
This is Plain meaning. If a statute is clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it
must be given its literal meaning and applied without attempted interpretation.
Dura lex Sed Lex
THE LAW MAY BE HARSH BUT IT IS STILL THE LAW.This has application to criminal or penal statutes that even if the law imposes a harsh penalty courts are without discretion but to impose the penalty prescribed for the crime or offense. This is true because the primary duty of the courts is to apply the law, as and where it is found.
Casus Omissus
case omitted.
Stare Decisis
Ratio legis Et anima