Quiz #2 material (session 6 class/session 7 materials) Flashcards
How was China’s economic condition in 1839?
China was still a relatively wealthy nation, was still the largest economy in the world, was a magnet for western merchants
Is it true that large trade deficits were present in European countries (like Great Britain) because of China’s distaste for trading with western manufacturers?
How did China decide to get into exporting and trading with European nations?
Opium trade
How did the Opium trade work?
Tea was traded from China to Britain, Textile was traded from Britain to India, and India sent opium to China
Who did China fight in 1839 over opium?
in 1839, China went to war with Britain to stop the opium trade, lost, and had to cede Hong Kong to UK and opened 5 treaty ports for trade
When did China’s “century of humiliation” begin
What event led to the end of China’s humiliation?
The founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949
How did China’s bubble move in thd chart during their century of humiliation?
Moved down and to the left, becoming very poor, and suffering from a low life expectancy
Who led the People’s Republic?
Mao Zedong
What were Mao’s 2 main pillars for his vision of the Chinese Economy?
1) Self-sufficiency (aka ISI)
2) Centrally-planned economy (SOE’s, private enterprises disallowed)
What happened to China’s red bubble under Mao’s vision from 1949 - 1978?
China increased their Life expectancy, nowhere near USA and UK, Mao’s promise was unfulfilled
Who led China’s economic reform?
Deng Xiaoping
What was the pillar behind Deng’s economy?
Build globally competitive sectors (focusing on the manufacturing sector) – he wanted to implement ELI
What 3 things are necessary for ELI conditions?
Cost advantage, Capital, Expertise
What did China do to meet the ELI conditions?
Began with labor intensive sectors, Mobilize domestic sources of capital, Welcomed foreign capital
What were the conditions of China’s difficult circumstances in 1978?
China was far poorer than other east Asian countries at the beginning of their ELI, Foreign firms were very wary of China due to 1) the memory of Mao’s isolationism 2) the country’s appalling infrastructure
What was China’s post 1978 solution to their poor economic conditions?
Drastic measures to encourage savings (such as the one child policy)
When was the One and a half child policy implemented?
Why was the one and a half child policy implemented?
It was implemented so that Chinese families would spend less money on raising their children and put more into savings and back into the Chinese economy
What are some examples of China’s special economic zones?
Shenzhen (HK), Zhuhai (Macau), Xiamen (Taiwan), Shantou (Singapore)
How did Xiaoping’s ELI implementation work for China?
China’s FDI did improve (which allowed for sufficient funds to fund ELI), a large portion of China’s exports are produced by FIF’fs (foreign invested firms)
What have FIF’s helped with?
FIF’s have helped with transferring efficient manufacturing technology to China, and Distribute Chinese-made products to Western buyers
What is EUPA?
EUPA is the “yellow factory”, produces insane amounts of exports, is more like a city, owned by a Taiwanese firm of the same name
What was the % of SOE’s generating industrial output and urban employment under Mao?
80% of the gross industrial output, 70% of the urban employment
What was the % of SOE’s generating industrial output and urban employment Post Mao?
30% of the gross industrial output, 27% of the urban employment
What happened to China’s bubble after the start of the economic reform?
Their bubble advanced upward and forward drastically, caught up with US and UK
What are the two British Colonial Rules of the Indian Subcontinent?
Company Rule (1757-1858) - the rule of the British easy India company British Raj (1858 - 1947) - the rule by the British Crown
When did India gain independence?
What was India’s first economic strategy under Nehru?
Was the same as Mao’s, milder version of centrally planned economy
What was the result of Nehru’s strategy?
Not good, same as Mao
What happened to India in 1991?
They went broke and were bailed out by the IMF, then went on to start the economic liberalization program
What is the result of the liberalization program?
Succeeded for India, their blue bubble pushed far right