Quiz#2 Chapter 3 Flashcards
Job Description
List of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a particular job entails
Job Specification
A list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics a job holder must have
People who currently hold the job and provide accurate estimates of time
Supervisors should review the information provided by incumbents and identify importance of job duties
Federal Government
National Occupational Classification NOC provides standardized sources of information about jobs
Work flow design
The process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service
A set of related duties
The set of duties performed by a particular person
Centralized structure
Authority is concentrated at the top of the organization
Authority spread among many people
Position Analysis Questionnaire
One of the broadest and most researched instruments for analyzing jobs
Fleishman Job Analysis System
Asks SMEs (job incumbents) to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job
Job Design
Process of defining the way work will be performed and tasks that a job requires
Job Redesign
Similar process that involves changing an existing job design
To design Jobs effectively
Thoroughly understand the job and its place in the work unit’s work flow process