Quiz #2 Flashcards
Techniques used for primary data collection
- Focus groups
- NGT (Nominal Group Technique)
- Delphi Technique
- Key informant interviews
- In-depth interviews
- group/individual observation
Methods/key elements of focus groups
focus group guide, probing questions, facilitator, notetakers
Advantages/Disadvantages of focus groups
o Advantages: Group dynamics, having a voice, level of structure, not a strict method
o Disadvantages: Group think (one person can take over), laid back, difficult to incentivize, recruitment, could lead to bias; can’t generlize
Nominal Group Technique methods
♣ Brainstorming sessions, writing down ideas until ideas are listed/exhausted
♣ Clarification process (questions on items)
♣ Ranking process (taking one- 5 ideas that are most important, assign point values)
♣ Tally points
Advantages/Disadvantages of NGT
o Advantages: equitable, idea generation and what bubbles up as most important
o Disadvantages: intentional, time intensive, not suitable for indepth discussion, Time consuming/prep work
Delphi technique methods
♣ Focused more on expert opinions, iterative process
♣ Give estimates and assessments to a facilitator to review data
♣ Facilitator creates a summary report.
♣ Then provide updated feedback to the facilitator.
When to use focus groups
- new ideas or discussing problems, strengths/weaknesses
- capitalize on group dynamics
- not too sensitive for group discussion
Advantages/Disadvantages of Delphi technique
o A- bring together diverse views, relatively equal ideas,
o D- time consuming, iterative process, eliminates extreme opinions
Types of individual interviews
- structured
- semi-structured
- unstructured
Structured interviews methods
- Interviewer asks each respondent the same series of questions.
- Questions are created prior to the interview and often have limited response options.
- Sequencing and phrasing of questions are kept consistent
- Little room for variation in responses
Reasons for using structured interviews
- literature in a topical area is well developed
- following the use of observational and other less structured interviewing techniques
- can construct meaningful and relevant close-ended questions
Semi-structure interview methods
- Interviewer develops and employs an interview guide:
- interview guide: list of questions or issues to be explored during the interview – Specific order and wording may vary.
- Interviewer can follow topical trajectories in the conversation that may depart from the guide
Reasons/advantages for using semi-structured interviews
- rich data, details, insights
- opportunity to probe/dig deeper
- Interviewees free to express their views in their own terms
Advantages of structured interviews
- Data analysis is simple,
- Responses can be directly compared and easily aggregated
- Many questions can be asked in a short period of time
- Can reach larger sample
Limitations of structured interviews
- interviewer has to stick to the pre-determined wording/sequence of questions
- less adaptable
- time-consuming (vs. online)