Quiz #2 Flashcards
Techniques used for primary data collection
- Focus groups
- NGT (Nominal Group Technique)
- Delphi Technique
- Key informant interviews
- In-depth interviews
- group/individual observation
Methods/key elements of focus groups
focus group guide, probing questions, facilitator, notetakers
Advantages/Disadvantages of focus groups
o Advantages: Group dynamics, having a voice, level of structure, not a strict method
o Disadvantages: Group think (one person can take over), laid back, difficult to incentivize, recruitment, could lead to bias; can’t generlize
Nominal Group Technique methods
♣ Brainstorming sessions, writing down ideas until ideas are listed/exhausted
♣ Clarification process (questions on items)
♣ Ranking process (taking one- 5 ideas that are most important, assign point values)
♣ Tally points
Advantages/Disadvantages of NGT
o Advantages: equitable, idea generation and what bubbles up as most important
o Disadvantages: intentional, time intensive, not suitable for indepth discussion, Time consuming/prep work
Delphi technique methods
♣ Focused more on expert opinions, iterative process
♣ Give estimates and assessments to a facilitator to review data
♣ Facilitator creates a summary report.
♣ Then provide updated feedback to the facilitator.
When to use focus groups
- new ideas or discussing problems, strengths/weaknesses
- capitalize on group dynamics
- not too sensitive for group discussion
Advantages/Disadvantages of Delphi technique
o A- bring together diverse views, relatively equal ideas,
o D- time consuming, iterative process, eliminates extreme opinions
Types of individual interviews
- structured
- semi-structured
- unstructured
Structured interviews methods
- Interviewer asks each respondent the same series of questions.
- Questions are created prior to the interview and often have limited response options.
- Sequencing and phrasing of questions are kept consistent
- Little room for variation in responses
Reasons for using structured interviews
- literature in a topical area is well developed
- following the use of observational and other less structured interviewing techniques
- can construct meaningful and relevant close-ended questions
Semi-structure interview methods
- Interviewer develops and employs an interview guide:
- interview guide: list of questions or issues to be explored during the interview – Specific order and wording may vary.
- Interviewer can follow topical trajectories in the conversation that may depart from the guide
Reasons/advantages for using semi-structured interviews
- rich data, details, insights
- opportunity to probe/dig deeper
- Interviewees free to express their views in their own terms
Advantages of structured interviews
- Data analysis is simple,
- Responses can be directly compared and easily aggregated
- Many questions can be asked in a short period of time
- Can reach larger sample
Limitations of structured interviews
- interviewer has to stick to the pre-determined wording/sequence of questions
- less adaptable
- time-consuming (vs. online)
Limitations of semi-structured/unstructured interviews
- responses may be less comparable due to interviewer flexibility
- volume of data may large and difficult to organize/analyze
- time-consuming
General advantages/disadvantages of individual interviews
oA: Helps build report, can gather more in-depth information
oD: time consuming, a lot of data to think through; recall/error bias;
Considerations for gathering qualitative data for a CHA
- Issue Identification
- Purpose
- Sampling
- Administration
- Data Recording/ Documentation Method
- Data Management
- Data Analysis
Important notes for survey/interview guide development
- Questions need to be clear
- Avoid double barrel questions
- Making sure our literacy level is accurate
- Avoiding leading questions or bias; or framing
Typical interview guide components
¥ Introduction (Explain project purpose, who’s involved, what will happen with information)
¥ Key Questions (5-10)
¥ Probing Questions (ask participants to reflect more deeply)
¥ Closing Question (any additional comments)
¥ Summary (if time permits)
Types of qualitative coding schemes/strategies
♣ A priori codes: developed prior to qualitative work
♣ Code by question or inductively as topics arise
♣ Inductive: based on topics that emerge from data
Steps for analyzing qualitative data
♣ Develop a priori codes ♣ Prepare notes ♣ Discuss new codes, update codebook ♣ Create coding strategy (double coding) ♣ Thematic analysis ♣ Key quotes ♣ Data interpretation
Integrative quantitative/qualitative data analysis
♣ Compare, contrast findings
♣ Interpret collective findings that answer your research question
Purpose of prioritization methods
Prioritization techniques provide a structured approach to analyze health problems and solutions, relative to all criteria and considerations, and focus on those that will prove to have the greatest impact on the overall health of a community.