Quiz #2 Flashcards
What are the 4 components to a lesson?
Hook, Book, Look, Took
What is the Hook?
Gives the reason for learning, is meant to draw the attention of the students, and should lead naturally into the bible story or lesson.
What is the Book?
Gives students the biblical information and helps them understand it.
What is the Look?
Helps students explore the practical ways that the material relates to daily living.
What is the Took?
Encourages students to pinpoint personal areas of their own life and how they will apply what they have just learned.
What are the 7 parts to a lesson plan?
Objective Materials Set up Warm up Activity Assignment Follow up
Describe Sigmund Freud’s theory of childhood development.
Psychosexual Theory: the energy of the libido was focused on specific erogenous zones at specific stages. Failure to progress through a stage can result in a fixation at that point of development, which Freud believed could have an influence on adult behavior.
Describe Erik Erikson’s childhood development theory.
Erik Erikson’s theory focuses on development across the entire lifespan. At each stage, children face a developmental crisis that serves as a major turning point. There are 8 life span stages that occur during childhood and adolescence.
Describe Jean Piaget’s childhood development theory.
Cognitive Developmental Theory: centered on the intellectual development of children
What is the ultimate goal in studying how children grow?
The ultimate goal is use that information to improve parenting, education, and child care. By having a solid understanding of how children grow, parents and professionals can be better prepared to help them.
Describe Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.
Children learn new behaviors from observing other people. Child observes someone admired and child imitates behavior that seems rewarded.
Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. What are the needs in the pyramid?
Our actions are motivated in order to achieve certain needs. People are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs.
Self-actualization Ego (Esteem) Social (Belonging) Safety/Security Physiological
What are the 8 intelligences and their two word descriptions?
- Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence- “word smart”
- Logical/Mathematical Intelligence- “number/reasoning smart”
- Visual/Spatial Intelligence- “picture smart”
- Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence- “body smart”
- Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence- “music smart”
- Interpersonal Intelligence- “people smart”
- Intrapersonal Intelligence- “self-smart”
- Naturalist Intelligence- “nature smart”
What is the Shema?
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. –Deuteronomy 6:4-5
What are the 3 major influences on Christian Education?
Jewish Influce
Greek Influence
Roman Influence
How did John Wesley influence Christian education?
Wesley began a ministry providing basic education to the poor and uneducated in England.
What did Booth teach as part of education reform?
Patience, honesty How to get along with others Teaching of a trade Evangelism Social Work Etiquette
How did Robert Raikes influence Christian Education?
Raikes was the founder of the Sunday School movement. He taught positive behavior through positive and consistent reinforcement.
What early Christian Education needs were intended to be met?
They intended to promote Christian faith and faithfulness to Christian values. Faithful Christians were to live out the elements of their faith in the world.
Who are some important influencers of Christian Education?
John of Constantinople Augustine Martin Luther John Wesley Robert Raikes Paul
What is our responsibility to teens?
Hear them See them Know them Love them Pray for them Feed them
What are the ways you can create a lesson to meet the needs of today’s teens?
Journaling Drawing Active Prayer Stations Listening Stations Praying in Color Just Get Messy!