Quiz 2 Flashcards
the teaching of Jesus on the Sermon of the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel that teach 8 ways of living the Christian life.
1st American Born Saint
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
when life begins.
means “thanksgiving”
Mass (liturgy)
the most important act of worship for the Catholic Church.
a conscious turning away from God’s loving offer of friendship/ relationship, which leads to a weakening or total breakdown of one’s relationship with God and with others.
Great Commission
Jesus sent forth His apostles to proclaim the Good News and to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The sharing of the Good News by word and example. All Christians are called to evangelize.
The living out of one’s baptismal commitment in a Christian lifestyle as called by God: single, married, ordained, vowed religious.
Duties of Deacon–
proclaim the Gospel
preach the homily
celebrate baptism, witness marriages and preside at funerals
CANNOT do sacrament of Reconciliation or Consecration of the Eucharist in liturgy.
A promise or agreement that God made with His people. (Old Testament covenants–Abraham, Noah and Moses. New Testament–final covenant–Jesus!
The process of preparing individuals to receive the sacraments of Christian initiation. (become an active member of the Catholic Church)
Unity among all Christians.
Kingdom of God
The theme that was central to Jesus’ mission. The righteous, peace and joy of living according to the Gospel that we can begin to experience her on earth, but will only come to it fullest completion at the end of time.
Common Good
-concern for the welfare of all individuals in society