Quiz 2 Flashcards
Cranial Nerves receive impulses from the cortex from the __________ tract
For the cranial nerves I-IV are at the _____ level of the brainstem
For the cranial nerves, V-VIII are at the _______ level of the brainstem
For cranial nerves, IX-XII are at the level of the ________
Are cranial nerves UMN’s or LMNs?
Cranial nerves innervate muscles of which structures?
jaw, face, pharynx, larynx, soft palate, tongue and neck
The cranial nerves of speech production are….
Trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal
When would you test the olfactory nerve?
If a frontal lobe tumor is suspected
What are some conditions that might cause a damaged olfactory nerve?
Closed head injuries, nasal obstruction, viral infections, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s
How do you test the olfactory nerve?
Ask if patient can smell vanilla or cinnamon in each nostril
How to test visual field
Card at patient’s bedside
What three nerves control eye movement and pupil diameter?
III- Oculomotor
IV- Trochlear
VI- Abducens
How to test these oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens
Hold up a finger in front of your partner. Tell them to keep their head still and follow your finger up and down, right and left. Do their eyes follow your finger?
What does the Trigeminal Nerve (V) control
Facial muscles and muscles of mastication
How to test the trigeminal nerve
Palpate the masseter muscle as the patient bites down hard.
Open mouth and resist examiner’s attempt to close the mouth.
Jaw jerk reflex
What are the three branches of the trigeminal nerve?
Opthalmic, Mandibular, Maxillary
What does the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve do?
Innervates muscles of the jaw and velum for elevation and lowering
What function is the Abducens (VI) nerve responsible for?
Eye movement
How to examine the facial nerve generally?
Examine facial symmetry. Check taste.
How to examine the motor portion of the facial nerve?
Have the patient wrinkle their forehead Puff out cheeks Close eyes tight Show their teeth Purse their lips or blow a kiss (orbicularis iris)
How to examine the sensory portion of the facial nerve?
Dip a cotton tip in sweet, salty, sour, or bitter. Apply to one side then the other side of the extended tongue.
The portion of the facial nerve that serves the muscles of the lower face receives unilateral innervation from the ______ side of the brain
The portion of the facial nerve that serves the muscles of the upper face receives bilateral innervation from the _________
right and left corticobulbar tracts
Upper motor neuron lesions such as stroke cause _____________
Contralateral facial weakness, sparing the forehead
Lower motor neuron lesions such as facial nerve injury cause ___________
Weakness involving the whole ipsilateral face
What are the roles of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Innervates the stylopharyngeus muscle which assists in the elevation of the pharynx and larynx.
Plays a role in resonance and phonation by shaping the pharynx
Contributes to the gag reflex, an important component of swallowing.
What are some of the structures served by the Vagus nerve (CN X)?
Heart, velum, larynx, intestines
What are three branches of CN X that have special importance to speech production?
Pharyngeal nerve branch,
Exterior superior laryngeal nerve branch
Recurrent nerve branch
Which CNs are tested together?
CN IX and X
How are they tested?
Symmetrical palate elevation while saying “ah”
Does the patient gag when the posterior pharynx is brushed?
What is the main function of the spinal accessory nerve?
Help turn, tilt, and thrust the head forward
What muscles does the spinal accessory nerve innervate?
Trapezius, sternocleidomastoid- related to posture for speech and feeding
How do you test the spinal accessory?
To test the strength of the muscles used in head movement, put your hands on the sides of the patient’s head. Tell the patient to move his or her head from side to side. Apply only light pressure when the head is moved.