quiz 2 Flashcards
Media and blogger relations
Obtaining coverage in media publications (TV, radio, podcasts, online, video, newspapers, magazines, online news sites, blogs, etc.) is a great way to spread the word about your business.
- PR coverage is free, third-party validation, which often results in more credibility for your business – earned media
- However with earned media you don’t have control over what someone says about your brand
how do you secure coverage
- connect and develop relationships with influencers in social media - connect with journalists on X, comment on posts
- pitching
- using creative content as an outreach tool
- publishing interesting data and research
- promote content in social media
pitching tips
- knowing who you are pitching and what topics they cover
- keeping it short and highlighting key points
- personalise it: show person that you have done your research
- don’t pitch the same people
Old school press release
- For the media only – mentality of media coverage or bust
- There are nearly 50,000 press releases issued each month
- 2,500 per business day
- 300 per business hour
- One every 12 seconds
inbound marketing news release
- new method. Has a heavy focus on search engine optimization (SEO) and optimizing your releases from a search stand point.
possible goals for creating news releases
- Generating traffic to website
- Getting journalists/bloggers to write about your company’s story
- Publishing “ceremonial announcements” over the wire
- Building inbound links and increasing SEO to help your website rank better in google and other search engines.
social media news release - understanding your audience
- Knowing who readers are will allow for the creation of a news release that resonates with them
- In most press releases you reach audience through journalists and media outlets
- Cision one is a great tool to research audience
- Use whatever medium your audience is prevalent on
difference between press release and news release
- Press release: focuses on sharing information about a company’s products and services, events, partnerships or milestones. Press releases hope to generate public interest and media coverage.
- News release: more newsworthy - contains time sensitive information that is important to readers. (breaking news, critical updates or announcements)
inverted pyramid for press release
- Lede: main information readers should take away from. Covers the 5 W’s: who, what, where, when, why
- Body: details about the main point, expands the Lede, paragraphs are crisp and information is displayed in priority order
- Tail: wraps the press release, includes the conclusion and boilerplate
ways to get the most from inbound release
- Create fresh content frequently. Don’t stick to boring company announcements like new hires or promotions, write about interesting topics such as features, trends, survey data etc.
- Determine the most appropriate channels for your news releases.
- Measure and iterate/test to optimize future press releases – use analytics to measure number of views ,comments and inbound links for the specific release.
- Timing is crucial to press distribution
- Days of the week: distribute news release during week days
- Time of day: release early in the day to maximize visibility
- Immediate release: for urgent news, include immediate release at beginning
notes for press release
- Less is more: headline should be relevant and concise - 88 characters or less
- Start with why: the longer it is the less likely people are to read – keep around 600 words
- Timing is everything: send press release at off times like 8:47am to stand out from crowd
SWOT uses
- SWOT identifies and organization’s internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- It helps the company determine how to allocate resources in a manner that will result in the highest possible potential for revenue growth and profitability
- The management team examines where the company can compete most effectively and where it needs to improve
- Strengths: internal origin (attributes of the organization) – helpful to achieve the objective
- Weaknesses – harmful to achieving the objective
- Opportunities: external origin (attributes of the environment)
- The weaknesses can become threats
owned, paid and earned media
- There is no single strategy that is the most effective, they have to be working together
- All three forms must be taken into account to build a comprehensive social media ecosystem
- Owned media that you control and paid media that reaches more people will increase earned media which grows authentic and engaging user generated content (UGC), which will lead more people to owned media bringing social strategy to full circle.
owned media
content that originates from your own social accounts. Its what your company owns and is sharing on your social networks e.g. website, blog
paid media
advertising. The content that has been purchased to be promoted on a specific channel e.g. promoted tweets and other ads on social networks as well as content from influencer marketing. Paid media is a great supplement to other forms of social media marketing to help expand the reach of these initiatives.
earned media
promotion gained through third parties like members of your community. Earned media is arguably the hardest form to gain but is also considered the most effective. No control over what the member of the press says about you.
the hashtag
- Introduced by Twitter
- Hashtag makes content more discoverable and allows you to find relevant content from other people and businesses
- Hashtag allows to connect with and engage other social media user based on a common theme or interest
- Hashtags are trackable. There are many free tools available to marketers that dig through posts on a platform and find every mention of any search term you request for.
- Can provide with actual insight into the success of content
what really is a hashtag
- Always start with #
- Accounts need to be public or the hashtag content won’t be seen to non-followers
- Don’t have too many words. Best hashtags are short and easy to remember
- Use relevant and specific hashtags. If it is too obscure it likely won’t be used by enough people
- Limit the number of hashtags you use
- Amount of hashtags per post: twitter 1-2, Instagram 10-30, youtube 3-5, tik tok 3-5
social content
- Suggested social media posts per day: Facebook 1, twitter 15
- Social content is any content that is used to be shared on socials (photo, video, blog etc.)
- Important to know dimensions for videos, photos etc.
responsive web design
- Responds to the needs of the users, the layout changes based on the device a person is viewing it on
six guidelines to help the chances of content being shared
- Appeal to your audience’s motivation to connect with each other (not just your brand)
- Tell a story
- Credibility and trust need to be established, which is the cost of getting shares
- Keep the message simple
- Appeal to positive emotions like inspiration, illumination or amusement to build a positive brand connection
- Embed a sense of urgency
- Engagement is the action someone takes after reading a post e.g. like, comment, retweet
- Engagement involves moving the hearts and minds of your target audience
- Consumer engagement continues to be important in marketing. However it is difficult to measure engagement comprehensively as clicks capture only a small percentage of what the term entails.
- Online engagement metrics are a gauge for interest, but can’t be an accurate indicator of the content’s persuasiveness
engagement doesn’t equal persuasion
- Notice: post captures attention
- Interest: post captures someone’s interest
- Persuasion
- Expression
engagement continued
- Focus on business objectives to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts
- Utilize high quality content
- Engagement should not be only campaign goal
- Use engagement metrics for creative testing
real-time marketing campaign
- Marketing that is based on up to date events.
- Instead of creating a marketing plan in advance and executing it according to a fixed schedule, real time marketing is creating a strategy focused on current, relevant trends, and immediate feedback from customers.
- The goal of real-time marketing is to connect consumers with the product or service that they need now, in the moment.
why is real-time marketing important
- Businesses can gather up-to-date information on their target audience. Within minutes, they can convert that info into a marketing message to be shared
- Today’s consumers are all about instant gratification
- “what you have to do, as a brand and an organization, is be able to produce content on a regular basis and make it timely and relevant”.
real-time marketing example
- Oreo brand releasing a post saying “you can still dunk in the dark” after a power outage in the Superbowl – where everyone was watching and wondering what had gone wrong.