Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is realistic fiction?
Discusses taboo or otherwise difficult subjects
Ex. Pregnancy, abortion, drug use, homosexuality, etc.
- things that could happen in real life
What are mores?
Ways you should act (social norms)
What is science fiction?
Travel through different dimensions/math and science tied together
- we time travel with Meg in A Wrinkle In Time
How do coming of age/Bildungsroman relate to these types of books?
Characters are able to find their people, and who they want to surround themselves with
What is a simile?
Uses like or as in comparison
What is a metaphor?
Doesn’t use any comparison words when comparing, such as like or as
What is theme?
The underlying meaning of a work (often times relates to humans or how the world works)
What is an allusion?
Reference to another work inside of your work
Ex. A Wrinkle in Time is located inside of When You Reach Me
What is a motif?
Repeating object or thing throughout the story
Who wrote when you reach me?
Rebecca Stead
What is when you reach me about?
Miranda and the laughing man (aka old Marcus)
Marcus discovers time travel as an adult and comes back to save Sal from getting hit by the truck
Miranda and her book - A Wrinkle In Time
20,000 Pyramid
Who wrote a wrinkle in time?
Madeleine L’engle
What is a wrinkle in time about?
Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin time travel to find Meg’s father
Mrs. Whatsit, Which, and Who and Aunt Beast aid the children in their journey
IT = just a brain who wants to control everyone
Meg gets Charles back from IT with love not anger and hate
What is traditional criticism?
What the author intended
What is new criticism?
All you need is your brain to understand the text
Ex. Close readings
What is Queer Theory?
Sexuality/sexual identities (what happens to characters relating to this)
What is reader response theory?
Not everyone reads the same, everyone has their own uniqueness, reader and text collaborate on the meaning.
What is the disability theory?
Talks about mental health and some taboo topics
Who wrote the disability narrative theory and YA fiction of mental illness?
Diane Scrofano
What is the thesis of the disability narrative theory article?
About how teachers need to be aware of these things and allow children to read books that relate to them and help pick out books that would be beneficial to the students
Who wrote the critical apparatus?
Michael Cart
What is the thesis of the critical apparatus?
How important it is to understand the critical apparatus to understand readings in young adult literature especially
Who wrote the new realism?
Maia Mertz
What is the theme of the new realism?
To reevaluate controversial novels to determine if they are deviant, or to see if they are really hearken back to traditional, conservative values.
Where did childhood emerge?
In Victorian England
What was the first child labor law?
Keating Owen Act in 1916
What is the child labor law today?
Fair Labor Standards Act
Who made the claim that young adult literature emerged after civil war?
Nielsen and Donelson made this claim
When does psychology first recognize adolescence?
G Stanley Hall founded APA
In 1904 he wrote a book about adolescence
How were teenagers invented after WWII?
Created by parents, manufacturers, and Frank Sinatra - Natalie Babbit
WWII prosperity allowed teens to have money and leisure time
What created YA service division in 1958?
The American Library Association
Are young adult, teenager, and adolescent synonyms?
Not really
What is literature?
Townsend: works of imagination transmitted by written or spoken narrative
Novels, poetry, etc.
Which book was the first to be written for YA audiences in mind?
The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton wrote the book when she was a teenager
Is Little Women young adult literature?
Cart says YES - lists this book first when naming young adult books
Who wrote The Outsiders?
S.E. Hinton
What is The Outsiders about?
Ponyboy, his brothers, and gang navigate life
Greasers and Socs in a rivalry
Gangs, fighting, and family involved