Quiz 2 Flashcards
A sum of money, or other property, paid by a former spouse for financial support, pursuant to a court order, temporary or final, in a divorce proceeding
Rehabilitative alimony
Spousal support that is awarded for a limited period of time to give the spouse the opportunity to become self-sufficient
Modification of alimony
the issue of whether spousal support may be either increased or decreased after the original order has been entered due to a substantial change in one spouse’s circumstances
Contempt proceeding
a civil proceeding that a party may commence to force the payor spouse to comply with the court’s order when the party entitled to alimony is not paid
willful contempt
when the recipient spouse proves that the payor spouse has the means to make weekly payments but purposefully and deliberately fails to do so
marital assets
the property acquired during a marriage
separate property
acquired by a spouse prior to the marriage, or after a marriage by a gift, inheritance, or will, designated to that particular spouse alone
Community Property Distribution
A system of property division that assumes that both husband and wife contributed to the accumulation of marital assets
Sole custody
where one parent has exclusive custody of the child
best interest of the child
opened the contest for custody not only to fathers but to other potential caregivers when the child’s well-being or interest could be best served by such a custody determination
Expert witness
a person with specialized knowledge who is called to testify in court
primary caretaker
the individual who has taken on the main responsibility for the daily care, rearing, and nurturing of a child
joint custody
arrangement in which parents are equally responsible for the financial, emotional, educational, and health-related needs of their children
Custodial parent
the parent with whom the child primarily resides
Visitation rights
right of a noncustodial parent to frequently spend time with the child unless the court finds that visitation in some way endangers the child’s emotional, mental, moral, or physical health
unsupervised visitation
a type of visitation that permits a noncustodial parent to freely visit with the child without others present
Supervised visitation
a type of visitation that limits or restricts a parent’s visitation rights
parenting plan
An agreement created by both parents detailing how they will continue their parenting responsibilities towards their children after their marriage is dissolved
Third-party intervenor
a party who is not one of the main parties in a dispute
Child support guidelines
statutorily enacted formulas for determining the amount the non-custodial parent must pay for the support of each child
Combined net income
the figure arrived at when each parent’s net income is added together to determine child support
Total net income
the figure arrived at when each parent’s net income is added to determine child support
Motion for modification of child support
document requesting the court to order the noncustodial parent to pay higher periodic child support payments, so less of custodial parent’s income will be needed for child
who has final say in agreement of child support?
A judge
Motion for contempt
a document that alerts the court to the other party’s failure to comply with the court’s earlier order and requests that the court provided relief
a document empowering a sheriff to arrest a nonappearing, noncustodial parent and bring him or her to jail or to court