Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is the main purpose of the Old Testament
To serve as an example to us (God’s people), for what to do and what not to do.
What are the three main sections of the OT? Give examples.
Torah, Law, Pentatuech: Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut
Prophets: Nevi’im: Joshua, Judges, Minor prophets etc
Writings, Ketuvium: Psalm, Proverbs, Job, Ruth etc.
When did Abraham live?
2000 BC
When did Moses live?
1500 BC
When did David live?
1000 BC
When was the Assyrian Exile?
722 BC
When was the Babylonian Exile?
586 BC
What is the Hebrew word that opens the Bible in Genesis 1?
Bereshit means in the beginning
What was God trying to do in Genesis 1-2?
Show his power, and that he is the God of everything, unlike the other terratorial gods of the time.
What is known as the creation refrain? What is it’s purpose?
And God said it was good, and God said it was very good. This is to show that the brokenness in the world is NOT from God.
What is the Toledot Formula? What are it’s implications?
“These are the generations of _____…” Meant to show that this is historical fact like a geneology. The implications of this are that since it is used in the creation story (Gen 2), the creation story outlined in the Bible is fact. This counters the theory of theostic evolution.
What was the tactic of the enemy to get the fall of man.
Creating doubt about what God said, did God really say?
What were some of the products of the fall?
Pain in child bearing
-man and wife set against one another
-thorns in the garden
What does the fall show us about hoe God feels about sin?
Even the smallest sin, is very important to the LORD.
What is the Protoevangelium? Where is it found.
The first recognized prophecy of Jesus. Gen 3:15
Why was God not pleased with Cains offering?
Because it was only the leftovers and not the very best that he had. What worship are we bringing before the LORD?
When does God flood the earth? When is the Noahic covenant established?
Gen 6-8;9
When is the Deutoevangelium?
Gen 12:2-3