Quiz #2 Flashcards
christian miller- camino
leah dehaemer- violet
abby atkins- ofelia
alex friedman- olivia
aj politano- clarke
cam stone- lloyd
david dewallace- xandar
sarah gascho- janet
allie millette- maxine
sofia riccio- stellar
tyler mroczek- august
zeta definition
professional fraternity is a specialized fraternity which limits its membership to a specific field of professional education in accredited colleges and universities, offering courses leading to recognized degrees therein that field, but may initiate members of the general social fraternities and which organizes its group life specifically to promote professional competency and achievement within its field
where was zeta founded
northwestern university in evanston illinois
when was zeta founded
october 10 1893
who founded zeta
dr robert mclean cumnock, edith devore, mollie conner, leila little, laurine wright, maud newell