Quiz 2 Flashcards
A-B trusts
Credit shelter and marital deduction trusts.
Administrative Control Rule
Tax rule for short-term trust making the trustor tax liable if he retains administrative control over the trust
Asset protection trust
Trust established offshore to protect the grantor’s assets
Person who has equitable title to a trust
Cestui que trust
Charitable lead trusts
Charitable remainder unitrusts and charitable remainder annuity trusts
Charitable remainder annuity trust
Trust in which the income goes to a private person and the remainder goes to charity
Charitable remainder unitrust
Trust in which a private person receives a percentage of the income, the rest and the remainder going to charity
Charitable trust
Trust created for a public, charitable purpose
Clifford trust
Short-term trust
Constructive trust
Implied trust used to right a wrong
Conveyance of trust
Method of transferring realty to a trust
Trust property
Cy pres
Doctrine permitting changes in the operation of a public trust
Declaration of trust
Instrument creating an inter vivos trust.
Deed of trust
Method of transferring realty to a trust
Discretionary trust
Trust in which trustee is given broad powers of discretion with respect to investments and distribution of income
Losing a legal right
Duration Rule
Tax rule stating trusts that exist for less than ten years and a day, or the life of the beneficiary, make the grantor tax liable
Dynasty trust
Trust used to avoid violating the Rule against Perpetuities
Enjoyment Control Rule
Tax rule for short-term trusts making the trustor tax liable if he may enjoy the income from the trust
Equitable title
Title giving the beneficiary the right to enjoy the trust property subject to limitations imposed by the trustor
Express trust
Trust created by the voluntary and deliberate act of the trustor
Failed trust
Trust that terminates because its objective cannot be accomplished
Fertile octogenarian
Doctrine stating a person is capable of bearing children until death
Trustee, a person held to a standard of care higher than ordinary care
Fiduciary returns
Tax returns filed by trustees and executors
Generation skipping transfer
Trusts that benefit persons two or more generations removed from the trustor are subject to special tax rules
Person who creates a trust with real estate
Implied trust
Trust created by operation of law
Indefinite class
Group identified by general characteristics, a charitable group
Court order to stop performing a specified act
Inter vivos trust
Trust taking effect during the life of the trustor
Irrevocable trust
Trust that cannot be revoked by the creator
Legal list
Statutorily approved investments for fiduciaries
Legal title
Title held by the trustee giving the holder the right to preserve, protect, and defend the trust property, subject to duties imposed by the trustor
Method of transferring realty to a trust
Trust formed if a surviving spouse declines to accept the estate’s assets outright
Operation of law
Actions having certain legal consequences regardless of the wishes of the parties involved
Overendowed trust
Resulting trust with income greater than is needed to accomplish the trust purpose
Pour-over trust
Property being added to the corpus of a separate trust
Power of appointment
Legal right to select successor beneficiary
Premium payment rule
Tax rule for short-term trust making the trustor tax liable if the trust can be used to pay the trustor’s insurance premiums
Trust property of cash
Private trust
Trust designed to fulfill a private purpose of the trustor
Public trust
Charitable trust
Purchase money resulting trust
Resulting trust in which person holds property for the benefit of the person who paid for the property
Qualified personal residence trust
Trust established only with the personal residence of the grantor
Qualified terminable interest property (QTIP)
Property left to a surviving spouse under a trust that qualifies for a marital deduction
Recapture Rule
Tax rule taxing the trustor of a short-term trust
Person in whom legal and equitable titles merge
Trust property consisting of personaly
Resulting trust
Implied trust in which the trust property reverts to the trustor
Legal and equitable title merging in the trustor
Reversionary interest
Remainder interests of a trustor
Revocable trust
Trust in which the trustor retains the power to revoke
Rule Against Perpetuities
All interests must vest, if at all, within 21 years after the death of a life in being plus the period of gestation
Salvage doctrines
State statutory rules used to save trusts from violating the rule against perpetuities
Breach of fiduciary obligation in which trustee makes a benefit for himself instead of the trust
Trustor who creates a trust with personal property
Sovereign immunity
Legal inability to sue the government
Specific performance
Court order to perform a specific act
Spendthrift trust
Trust designed to prevent the beneficiary from alienating his interest
Spousal lifetime access trust
Marital deduction trust that permits the spouse to invade the corpus
Spray trust
Discretionary trust
Sprinkling trust
Discretionary trust
Statute of Uses
Feudal law concerned with trusts
Statutory trust
Trust provided by specific state statute
Testamentary trust
Trust created by a will
Totten trust
Bank account “in trust for” a third party
Person who holds legal title to trust property
Trust instrument
Document creating a trust
Creator of a trust
Trust property
Property held in trust
Feudal term for a trust
Moment at which a person has an enforceable right
Personal representative of an intestate.
Relationship by marriage
Relative of a previous generation.
Lineal ancestor
Collateral Relative
Nonlineal blood relations
Relationship determined by blood ties
Group of persons of the same degree
Degrees of separation
Number of generations a person is removed from the decedent
Intestate inheritor of personal property
Process by which the state inherits property of an intestate who has no heirs.
Intestate inheritor of real property.
Born out of wedlock
Intestate succession
Persons who are entitled to inherit property of a person who dies without a will
Direct lineal descendents
Laws of descent and distribution
Statutes indicating a person’s intestate heirs.
Laws of succession
Statutes indicating a person’s intestate heirs
Letters of administration
Court orders authorizing the personal representative of an intestate to administer
the estate
Lineal relation
Blood relatives directly ascending or descending
Next of kin
Closest intestate blood relation
Nonmarital children
Children born out of wedlock.
Per capita
Equally to each person in his or her own right.
Per stirpes
Taking property by right of representation
Testamentary capacity
Legal ability to execute a will