quiz 2 Flashcards
anatomy and characteristics of the hypothalamus
- part of the diencephalon
- primary relay and processing center for sensory information and autonomic control
- lies inferior to the thalamus
- contributes to the wall of the 3rd ventricle
functional connections between posterior pituitary and hypothalamus
1) posterior is an outgrowth of the brain and maintains its neural connections
* neurons in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus give rise to the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract
2) oxytocin is predominantly synthesized by PVN
3) Antidiuretic hormone is predominantly synthesized by SON
functional connections between anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
1) anterior lobe is derived from epithelial tissue
2) no direct connection between anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
* connection is vascular:
- hypophyseal portal system
- connects Medien eminence to secretory cells of the anterior pituitary
3) releasing and inhibiting hormones secreted by hypothalamus are carried by portal system to anterior pituitary
* these hypophysiotropic factors regulate the activity of secretory cells in anterior pituitary
magnocellular system
- supraoptic nuclei (SON) : synthesize vasopressin (ADH)
- paraventricular nuclei (PVN) ; synthesize oxytocin
parvocellular neurosecretory system
- ventral hypothalamic nuclei
- axons of these neurons converge toward the pituitary stalk (about the primary plexus of the portal system of the median eminence
- synthesize and secrete hypophysiotropic factors
hypophyseal portal system
anterior pit and hypo
1) primary plexus: drains interstitial space of the median eminence
2) hypophyseal portal veins
3) secondary plexus: delivers hypophysiotropic factors of the hypothalamus to the adenohypophysis
TRH - thyrotropin releasing hormone
- hypophysiotropic hormone
- controls TSH secretion which is released from anterior pituitary
SST (somatostatin)
- inhibits GH secretion from anterior pituitary
* acts on pituitary somatrophs
GHRH - growth hormone releasing hormone
- stimulates GH secretion from anterior pituitary
- invovled with ghrelin
Activates GHRH receptors and GH release
- Ghrelin is a 22 aa peptide made by stomach, small intestine, and hypothalamus
- it regulates brain circuits involved in feeding behavior and energy homeostasis
GnRH - gonadtropin releasing hormone
- stimulates the release of FSH and LH from anterior pituitary
- primary brain based control of gonadtropins
functional considerations -pulsate release -frequency determines which hormone is released low frequency= FSH release high frequency = LH release
CRH - corticotropin releasing hormone
-stimualtes the release of ACTH from anterior pituitary
- crh neurons co express vassopressing AVP
- released in response to stress
PIF - prolactin release inhibiting factor (DA)
- inhibits the secretion of PRL from the hypothalamus
- PIF is a dopamine
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - general mechanisms
- Hypothalamus is controlled by other brain circuits
- **These brain circuits are activated by circuits processing extrinsic and intrinsic cues
- **Extra-hypothalamic neurons innervate hypophysiotropic hormone producing cells
- Brain-based activity requires synaptic transmission
- **Specific neurotransmitters (NT’s) released by circuits terminating in hypothalamus control hormone secretion
- **NT’s are typically monoamines i.e. nor-epinephrine (NE); dopamine (DA); epinephrine (Epi); serotonin (5-HT); Histamine; acetylcholine (Ach)
- Nature of effect is mediated by NT receptors
- **Increase or decrease release of hypothalamic hormones
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - neurotransmitters regulating hormone secretion of CRH
- multiple systems involved in the repsonse to stress
- *ACh - acetycholine
- *Catecholamines (NE, EPI, DA)
- neurons releasing these neurotransmitters have projection to the PVN
- activation of these circuits leads to an increase in CRH secretion
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - neurotransmitters regulating hormone secretion of PIF
- Prolactic (PRL) is released during suckling
- *DA tonically inhibits PRL
- inhibition of DA neurons dis-inhibits PRL secretion
- *increase serotonin leads to an increase in PRL secretion
- *sereotinin inhibits DA releasing neurons
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - neurotransmitters regulating hormone secretion of GHRH
-central serotonin and noradrenalin stimulates the secretion of GHRH
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - neurotransmitters regulating hormone secretion of GnRH
multiple mechanisms
- control of reproduction is highly evolved
- many higher brain systems may affect reproduction
- many other organ systems may affect reproduction
multiple NT’s may affect GnRH release
- NE, GABA, Glutamate, Neuropeptide Y, 5-HT
- DA leads to an increase in GnRH secretion
Control of hypothalamic hormone secretion - neurotransmitters regulating hormone secretion of TRH
-NE and Epi released in association with sympathetic NS activation lead to an increase in TRH secretion
feedback control of the hypothalamus and pituitary
look at diagram
ACTH –> adrenal cortex –> cortisol
FSH/LH –> gonads (ovary –> estradiol) (testis–> testosterone )
TSH –> thyroid –> thyroxine
long loop negative feedback
- three hormone systems
- third hormone can suppress the release of the first or second hormone
- peripheral hormone inhibits both the pituitary and hyppthalamus
short loop negative feedback
- two hormone systems
- second hormone can suppress the release of the first hormone
- pituitary hormone inhibits hypothalamus
-hormone can suppress its own release
feedback control of hypothalamic CRH
CRH –> ACTH –> glucocorticoid release
cortisol is the predominant glucocorticoid
Glucocorticoids inhibit both the hypothalamus and pituitary
**cortisol decreases CRH and ACTH
CNS–> hypothalamus –CRH–> anterior pit –ACTH–> Adrenal cortex –Cortisol–> target tissues