Quiz 2 10/23/15 Flashcards
Name some ways sociologists describe opinion leaders.
- Highly interested in a subject
- Better informed on the subject than the average person
- Avid consumers of mass media
- Early adopters of new ideas
- Good organizers
What are the two types of opinion leaders?
- Formal opinion leaders who are designated one by their position (ex, president of a company, elected officials)
- Informal opinion leaders who are opinion leaders with their peers because of certain characteristics they display
What is the general profile of an opinion leader?
- Active in their community
- Have a college degree
- Earn a relatively high income
- Regularly read the newspaper and magazines
- Actively participate in recreational activities
- Show environmental concern by recycling
This theory of communication is that public opinion is formed by the views of people who have taken the time to sift through the information and form an opinion that they express to others
Two-step flow theory
This theory of communication starts with opinion makers who derive large amounts of information from the media and share that with the “attentive public”
Multiple-step flow theory
This public is interested in an issue but still relies on opinion leaders to provide the synthesized information and interpretation
Attentive public
This public is unaware of or uninterested in an issue and remains outside the opinion-formation process
Inattentive public
This theory of communication is when people are influenced by numerous opinion leaders
N-step theory
How journalists select the material that will make up their story
What are he four techniques for persuasive messages?
- Yes-yes
- Offer structured choice
- Seek partial commitment
- Ask for more, settle for less
What appeal is best for retention of the message?
Positive appeal
What type of message tends to be more persuasive?
Radio and television messages
What type of message is most effective when the audience has minimal concern about or interest in the topic?
Strong emotional appeals
What type of message is most effective when a readily available action can be taken?
High fear
What type of message is most effective for highly educated and sophisticated audiences?
Logical appeals
What type of message is most effective on men?
What type of message is most effective when the message is simple and needing a way to get more attention?
What 8 basic appeals are people motivated by?
- Power
- Respect
- Well being
- Affection
- Wealth
- Skill
- Enlightenment
- Physical and mental vitality