Quiz Flashcards
Semantic Segmentation
assigns a class label to each pixel, grouping all objects of the same class (all cars as one entity)
Instance segmentation
identifies each object instance separately, even if they belong to the same class (distinguish between diff cars)
Fully Convolutional network (dense prediction)
- classify each pixel in the input image into different class labels
- encoder (convolution network)
- decoder (deconvolution network)
Unsampling methods in Decoder
- transposed convolution
- backward-stride convolution
- max unpooling
Fuses upsampled feature maps in the decoder with corresponding feature maps from the encoder to preserve spatial details.
Dilated Convolution
uses a large sparse filter to increase receptive field
Mask R-CNN for instance segmentation
Faster R-CNN + fully convolutional network for semantic
Hidden states
- receives inputs from previous layer and hidden state
- weights are same across hidden states in the same hidden layer
- weights are different across different hidden layers
Basic RNN’s problems
Exploding gradients
Vanishing gradients
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)
- Sigmoid functions are used to measure importance of input
- forget and input gates decide the cell state
- output gate produces output of the cell
RNN with Attention
- Context vectors are used as the input to each timestep of the decoder
- Attention provides different context vectors by calculating alignment scores between decoder states and features from the encoder
Enabled each element in a sequence to interact and learn dependencies with every other element, irrespective of their distance
Vision transformer
- Split an image into patches and represent patches as lower-dimensional embeddings and add positional embedding
- apply self-attention
- replace convolutional layers
- trained on a large dataset
Semi-supervised learning
- partially labeled data in the training dataset
- get pseudo label by applying the trained model using labeled data to unlabeled data
- merge all data and their labels and retrain the model
Weakly-supervised learning
- labels in the trained model are inaccurate
- class activation maps is to calculate regional features by projecting back the weights of the output layer to convolutional feature maps