Quiz 15 Flashcards
According to Paul’s letter to the Romans, who was then living in Rome, but had been the first convert to Christ in the whole of Asia?
What epistle begins its first chapter by praising God for the comfort that he gives Christians in trouble so that they can comfort others who are in need?
2 Corinthians
In what Pauline epistle does the first chapter include a criticism of his readers’ divided church?
1 Corinthians
Supply the missing word from the beginning of John’s Gospel: “In the beginning was the _____”
About whom was Jesus speaking when he said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”?
John, the disciple whom Jesus loved.
True or false? When someone asked Jesus if he could wait until his father had died before becoming a follower, Jesus agreed.
False. Jesus said, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead”
Who does Matthew place first in his list of the twelve apostles?
Simon (Peter)
True or false? In the Parable of the Vineyard, the workers who came first and worked all day received the same wages as the workers who came at the eleventh hour.
True (Matthew 20:9-10)
When, in Matthew’s Gospel, the Pharisees said, “This last deception will be worse than the first,” to what were they referring?
They said the disciples might steal Jesus’ body and tell people he was alive.
The census referred to by Luke, was the first census to take place during whose governorship of Syria?
What should a farmer first consider before building a watchtower?
The cost
During the wedding at Cana, why was the master of the banquet surprised?
Because the best wine had been served last instead of first
When writing to the Corinthian Christians about the Lord’s Supper, Paul said that their meetings did more harm than good. What was his first specific crisicism?
When they met together, there were divisions among them.
What was the name of the first person in Timothy’s family to have a sincere faith?
His grandmother Lois
In his instructions about the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians, what does Paul say Christians must do first, before eating the bread and drinking the wine?
Examine themselves to make sure they are not taking part in an unworthy manner.