Quiz 15 Flashcards
What are the reasons the need for extra calories has declined over the years?
- Less demanding work
2. Fewer illnesses
Which of the following are considered “low-hanging fruits” in regards to health? (Check all that apply)
- Distribution of bednets for malaria prevention
- Oral rehydration solution (ORS) for children with diarrhea
- Vaccination campaigns against polio
- Deworming pills
When Jeff Sachs controlled for other factors, he found that high-malaria countries have a GDP___than non-malarial countries.
30% lower
True or false: Sachs and Gallup’s paper proves that malaria causes a significant decrease in income.
False. Although Sachs and Gallup find that malaria prevalence and national income have a strong negative relationship, this does not in itself show that malaria makes countries poorer. The relationship may instead run in the opposite direction.