Quiz 1.4-1.6 Flashcards
la cajera se equivocaba
the cashier used to make mistakes
le caia bien a todo el mundo
everyone liked him/her
la duena la despidio
the owner fired her
si no se equivocara, el banco no perderia
if she didn’t make mistakes, the bank wouldn’t lose
era el peor cocinero de toda la ciudad
he was the worst chef in the whole city
el negocio perdia muchisimo dinero
the business was losing a lot of money
tenia un sabor distinto
it had a different flavor
si tuviera cuidado, tendria exito
if s/he were careful, s/he would be successful
no le caia bien a nadie
nobody liked him/her
le dijo que necesitaba
s/he told him what she needed
necestiaba conseguir…
he/she needed to get
si tuviera un pinguino, seria popular
if s/he had a pet penguin, s/he would be popular
de hecho era un negocio excelente
in fact it was an excellent business
vendía pastillas y llegó a ser rico
he/she used to sell pills and became rich
a lo mejor tenía gripe
he/she probably had the flu
si tomara pastillas, se sentirá mejor
if she/he took pills, she/he would feel better