Quiz 1.3 Flashcards
What does it mean to have ASPD?
To have extreme disregard for others and to violate the rights of others
What are atavistic anomalies?
Physical characteristics that were typical of distant ancestors
What does it mean to have APD?
- Relationship problems
- Social inhibition
- Feelings of inadequacy
- Hypersensitivity to criticism
What does it mean to have BPD?
- Instability in interpersonal relationships and self-image
- Extreme impulsivity
What is the Brawner Rule?
- aka “Substantial Capacity Test”
- Used to test for legal insanity
What is does it mean to be insane?
- Legal term
- A person is not responsible for his or her criminal actions if it resulted from mental disease or defect that makes the person unable to understand the wrongfulness of the crime and/or unable to conform his or her conduct to the requirements of the law
What is a catathymic crisis?
A person has underlying emotionally-charged conflicts that lead to the development of a fixed idea that he or she must kill a future victim
Who was Cesare Lombroso?
The father of criminology
What does it mean to have DPD?
- Relationship problems
- A need to be cared for
- Fear of abandonment
- Submissive and clingy behavior
What are dissociative disorders?
Disorders that include abrupt and temporary changes in consciousness, identity, and motor activity
What is the Durham Rule?
- aka “Products Test”
- Used to test for insanity
- Accused individual is not criminally responsible if his or her offense was the product of mental disease or defect
What does it mean to be “guilty but insane”?
A type of plea in which offenders are confined to psychiatric facilities until their mental state shows improvement, followed by prison incarceration
What does it mean to have HPD?
- Grandiosity
- Egocentricity
- Excessive emotionality
- Attention seeking
What is iatrogenic?
When clinicians/practitioners are responsible for a disorder’s occurrence
What is hypoglycemia?
A state of low blood sugar that affects brain functioning
What is latent delinquency?
A state in which a youth:
- Constantly seeks immediate gratification while neglecting the feelings and/or needs of others
- Has lack of remorse or sense of guilt in satisfying his or her desires
What does it mean to have NPD?
To be self-absorbed, grandiose, have a need for praise, and lacking of empathy
What does it mean to have OCD?
- A preoccupation with orderliness
- A preoccupation with perfectionism
- A preoccupation with having mental/interpersonal control
- Inflexible/inefficient behaviors
What is paranoia?
A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others
What does it mean to be “personality disorder trait specified”?
- Someone whose traits significantly impair his and hers daily functioning
What does it mean to have Schizoid PD?
- A pervasive pattern of detachment from relationships
- Aloofness–such as limited expression of emotions
What does it mean to have Schizotypal PD?
- Social and interpersonal deficits
- Eccentric behaviors that inhibit the development of close relationships
What is serotonin?
- A chemical that inhibits the release of stomach acid
- Stimulates smooth muscle
- Acts as neurotransmitter in brain functioning
What is Social Communication Disorder?
- Non-autistic disorder
- Problems in communication
- Problems in social responsiveness
- Problems in social relationships
What is incompetency?
- State of mind at the time of a crime that makes an offender unable to stand trial
- Inability to stand trial results in the admission into a psychiatric institution until he or she is considered to be competent, which is when a trial can commence
What is the M’Naughten Rule?
- Rule used to define insanity
- Requires it to be proven that at the time of a crime that the offender was under such influence by defect in reasoning as a result of a mental disease
What is a personality disorder?
An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the expectations of one’s culture
What was a phrenologist?
Someone that believed to be able to detect disposition to criminality by examining bumps and abnormalities on the skull’s surface
What is Prozac?
A serotonin booster and antidepressant to control mood and behavior
What is a psychopath?
- Non-diagnostic label
- Used to describe a mixture of individuals that are determined by societal standards to possess traits that vary with general community standards and practices
What is reaction-formation?
A double life within which people live in response to unresolved personal conflicts
What is “switching” in DID?
A transition that can occur from one subpersonality to another