Quiz 12 Flashcards


According to Jerry Rubin in “A Yippie Manifesto,” which of the following best reflects the significance of the yippie’s long hair?

A. It makes a statement to older generations about the changing norms of fashion.
B. It is a symbol of support for the “Jesus movement” - a religious revival that was popular in the Sixties.
C. It shows support for the government and the Vietnam War.
D. It demonstrates disrespect for America and helps yippies to identify each other as part of the counter-culture.
E. It was an attempt to blur the lines between male and female and in this way was an important element of the feminist movement.


D. It demonstrates disrespect for America and helps yippies to identify each other as part of the counter-culture.

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What responsibility does a citizen have when faced with an unjust law as described by Martin Luther King Jr. in a “Letter from Birmingham City Jail?”

A. They have the responsibility to obey the law, and patiently wait for the law to change.
B. They have the moral responsibility to disobey the law while being willing to accept the punishment for breaking the law.
C. They are justified in fighting violently against the law in order to overturn it.
D. They should present their concerns to the Supreme Court and hope that the government will change the law.
E. All of the above. King advocated for many different approaches to unjust laws.


B. They have the moral responsibility to disobey the law while being willing to accept the punishment for breaking the law.

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In the past year, the Black Lives Matter protests sparked unrest and riots throughout the nation. In some cases, these events have led to standoffs between demonstrators and police forces. As described in “The Ballot or the Bullet,” which of the following statements best reflects Malcom X’s views on this kind of situation?

A. The protests should have remained peaceful. Nonviolent disobedience is the only way to effectively spur change.
B. The riots were an unfortunate byproduct of the protests, but we shouldn’t be surprised by their opportunistic nature.
C. The peaceful protestors should have dealt with the rioters themselves and made it clear that destructive behaviors would not be tolerated within the movement.
D. The federal government had no right to get involved, but the state and local governments were justified in any and all of their responses.
E. The demonstrators had a right to fight back against the use of force, because the only way to fight violence is with violence.


E. The demonstrators had a right to fight back against the use of force, because the only way to fight violence is with violence.

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As outlined by the Young Americans for Freedom in “The Sharon Statement,” which of the following best emulates their main argument?

A. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that the 10th Amendment, which states that powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people, is the key to the “genius” of the Constitution.
B. The authors of the Sharon Statement fully agreed with the authors of the Port Huron Statement. Both groups worked together to pursue fundamental change in the United States.
C. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that the United States must pursue peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union and other Communist nations. Freedom was only possible with international peace.
D. The authors of the Sharon Statement asserted that political freedom is different from economic freedom. They stated that the United States has achieved political freedom, but that economic freedom remains a distant dream.
E. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that racial inequality was the most important issue confronting the nation and that until all races enjoyed all of the same political and economic advantages, the nation would not be able to achieve its destiny.


A. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that the 10th Amendment, which states that powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people, is the key to the “genius” of the Constitution.

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Based on the chapter “Myths of Racial Equality,” which of the following statements would authors Mullen and Darity most agree with?

A. No one race or ethnicity controls economic power in the United States, though there are important racial differences in political power.
B. Racism and discrimination may have occurred in the past, but we have made tremendous progress since the civil rights movement, and these problems no longer exist.
C. While political power remains uneven, no significant economic disparities between Blacks and Whites remain.
D. Some inequalities between Blacks and Whites still exist, but they can primarily be attributed to behaviors like a lack of hard work or family instability.
E. Even today, the American Dream is a myth for Blacks, despite the Civil Rights Act and the election of a Black President.


E. Even today, the American Dream is a myth for Blacks, despite the Civil Rights Act and the election of a Black President.

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