quiz 10/8 Flashcards
abyssopelagic zone
4000-6000 meters. also known as the aphotic or midnight zone
aphotic zone
area of the ocean where light doesn’t reach
bathypelagic zone
1000-4000. also known as aphotic or midnight zone
bottom environment. animals living on or in the seabed
large ecosystem
disphotic zone
zone where light doesn’t carry on photosynthesis. also known as the twilight zone
epipelagic zone
upper layer for water. 0-200 meter. also known as the sunlight zone
an environment in which an organism is found
hadalpelagic zone
below 6000-deep ocean trenches. also known as the aphotic or midnight zone
mesopelagic zone
200-1000 meters, disphotic or twilight zone
free swimming organisms
neritic province
waters over continental shelf. near shore zone
oceanic province
waters beyond the continental shelf. open ocean zone
something to do with seas or ocean
photic zone
lighted region of the ocean. photosynthesis can occur. sunlit zone
small plant or animal that float or drift in the ocean
area or region