Quiz 1 sociology Flashcards
What is sociology
The study of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour
What do sociologists study
They investigate the structure of groups organizations and societies and how people react
Roles we play
We all play certain rolls in society - social scientists refer to this as status
Ranking system used in any specific environment based on authority or power
Each role has a certain expertise which is valued by society
These are developed by cultures based on their system of values
Considered standard behaviour
Particular set of values are assigned to each role
Any behaviour different from social norm
Trying to re-educate and re-socialize inmates so they can grow and accept the social norms and values
Structural functionism
Each society should provide its members with the fundamental requirements for functioning
Schools of thought in sociology
As societies change and become more diverse sociologists need to consider culture diversity when considering sociological issues
Karl believed economic power leads to political power
They believe the economic systems create a rich class of owners and a poor class of workers
Symbolic interactism
Believe humans have complex brains and little instinctive behaviour
Focus their research on humans minds rather than structures in society
Attach there own meanings to things
Focus on sex and gender issues
Believe that men have made more decisions in society and that they tend to favour men
Liberal feminism
They tend to emphasize social policy to open up professional and well paid jobs for women and elimination of laws against things for women
Marxian feminism
Believes women’s underpaid and undervalued domestic jobs made it possible for industrial owns to pay lower wages to make workers
Radical feminism
Believe that their natural child bearing role has lead to systematic oppression by men
Believe are so dominate in institutions that they can’t break into any of those fields
Socialist Feminism
Try to separate issues of prolonged cruel that results in patriarchy which results in capitalism
Recognize that conflict can take place in a society between ethnic,racial, and religious groups as well as economic classes