Quiz #1 Material Flashcards
Pharmacodynamics vs. Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacodynamics: Effects of drug on body
- Receptor binding, signaling, agonism/antagonism, dose-response curve, physiological effect
- Pharmacokinetics: Effects of body on drug
Drug Size
- Majority with MW 100-1000
- Too small: insufficient selectivity at target site
- Too large: poor absorption and distribution in the body
- Interact with drugs to cause change in biological system
- Only care about those with drug specificity
- Conformational change
- Cascade of events
Example of Receptor: Ach receptors
- 5 subunits (two alpha, beta, delta, gamma)
- Ach bind to the two alpha subunits
- Conformational change to allow for Na+ to flow through
- Small molecule (Ach) binds to a large macromolecule (Ach receptor)
- Cause conformational change in the large receptor
- Results in physiological effect (muscle contraction)
- Translate drug binding into change in cellular activity
- Often enzymes (kinase, phosphodiesterase, etc.)
- _Can be part of recepto_r:
- Insulin receptor: Tyrosine kinase is part of receptor
- Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: Ion channel that functions as the effector
Receptor Types:
- Proteins: bind hormones/neurotransmitters, channels, enzymes
- Nucleic acids
- Membrane lipids
Protein Receptor Signaling Mechanisms:
- Nuclear receptors (intracellular): steroid hormones, estrogen, vitamin D
- Kinase linked receptors: growth factors, cytokines (phosphorylate proteins)
- Ion channels: acetylcholine, glutamate
- GPCRs: histamines, opioids, serotonin
Properties of Drug-Receptor Interactions:
- Multiple sites where drug-receptor interact
- Short range interactions
- Specific interactions between chemical groups on drug and receptor
Relative strengths of Drug-Receptor Interactions
Strongest: Covalent, Ionic, Hydrogen, Hydrophobic, Van de Waals: Weakest
At least how many points of contact between a drug and receptor are required to see a difference in isomer activity?
Three. With 2 you can flip bonds.
Enkephalin and Morphine have similar regions that can interact with opiate receptors. More interactions means that there will be a more potent drug. How chemical groups are presented to a receptor determines how a drug will work.
- N-methyl piperidine is an essential feature
- Oxygen at C3 is essential
- Oriented cleft in piperidine ring
Extracellular Messengers
Circulating hormones, neurotransmitter, cytokines, etc.
Animal Cells Communicate via Circulating Hormones
- Hormones are synthesized, stored for secretion, secreted, and induced biophysical/physiological change at target cells
- Secretion and degradation are regulated
- Feedback inhibition at synthesis, storage and secretion steps
- Drug can interfere with signaling sometime within these steps.
General Receptor Coupling Mechanisms (4)
Two Messenger System:
- Receptor coupled to an effector system that changed intracellular concentration of 2nd messenger
- Usually an enzyme
- Usually; 1st messenger→effector→2nd messenger→protein kinase cascade
Ion Channel Coupled Receptors:
- Receptor directly coupled to/is an ion channel
- Response time fast because no intervening messenger (milliseconds)
Steroid Hormone Receptors
- Hormone crosses to a membrane and binds intracellular with receptor
- Hormone:Receptor complex goes to nucleus to regulate gene transcription
- Response elements in gene promoters
Receptor Kinases/Phosphotases or other enzymatic activity
- Receptor is a kinase
- When activated, initiated protein kinase cascade
- No intermediate, diffusible messengers

Two Messenger Systems:
- Extracellular message (hormone or neurotransmitter) never enters the cell
- The second messenger concentrations are changed within the cell after receptor activation
- 2nd messenger can increase or decrease from a signal
Regulatory Advantages of Second Messenger Systems (5):
- Without entering cell
- Fast reponse/termination
- Amplification
- Multiple inputs onto one 2nd messanger
- Cross-talk between different signal transduction systems
Common Second Messengers:
- cAMP: First one described; autonomic, CNS and endocrine; all types of physiology
- cGMP: vision, smooth muscle contraction,
- Ca2+: universal (prokaryotes as well); autonomic and CNS
- Phosphoinositide breakdown products; IP3
- Arachidonic acid derived from lipids
- NO, nitric oxide: diffuse across cell membranes from one cell to another
What is the pharmacological significance of the two-messenger system?
- Drugs can affect the concentration of intracellular 2nd messengers
- Beta-adrenergic receptors coupled to adenylyl cyclase, action mediated through cAMP. Beta agonist/antagonist modify cAMP
- Understanding mechanism of 2-messenger system is crucial for understanding how drugs work
The Structure of cAMP:
- Synthesized from ATP
- 3’, 5’ cyclic adenosine monophosphate
- Sutherland in 1957 studying glycogen breakdown in liver and muscle
- Adrenaline→^cAMP→glycogen breakdown
- Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes formation of cAMP
Physiological Processes Controlled by cAMP: (in all cells except for erythrocytes)
- Glycogenolysis: stimulates breakdown of glycogen (use stored energy)
- Gluconeogenesis: inhibits synthesis of glycogen
- Lipolysis: stimulates breakdown of triglycerides
- Secretion of neurotransmitters: generally stimulates secretion
- Ion channel activity: activates ion channels
- Either directly or through cAMP-dependent protein kinases (ex: glutamate AMPA receptors)
- Muscle contractility: stimulates cardiac muscle stimulant: adrenaline→^cAMP→heart rate
- Growth: antiproliferative
- Differentiation: stop proliferating so they can differentiate
- Gene transcription: CRE (cAMP response element) in promoters, long term memory
- Memory formation
- Melatonin synthesis from serotonin regulated by cAMP
cAMP is Synthesized from ATP:
- Catalyzed by adenylyl cyclases
- In cytoplasmic membranes
- Regulated by receptors and intracellular protein kinases
- ATP→cAMP+ PPi (uses Mg2+) cofactor
Synthesis and Degradation of cAMP
- Degradation: cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases
- cAMP to 5’-AMP
- PDE with different tissue distributions and regulatory properties
- Common drug target site
- Inhibit PDE, Increase [cAMP]
Synthesis and Degradation of cGMP:
- Similar to cAMP
- Guanylyl cyclases to form cGMP from GTP
- PDE to degrage cGMP
Structure of Xanthenes and Methylxanthines:
- Two mechanisms to increase cAMP
- Inhibit PDE and elevate cAMP levels
- Stimualate adenosine receptors that are coupled to stimulation of AC
- No methylation→3 methyl
- xanthine, theobromine, theophylline, caffiene
Viagra Increases Penile Erection by Increasing cGMP:
- Viagra: potent and selective PDE5 inhibitor
- cGMP promotes smooth-muscle relaxation, blood flow, erection enhancement
- Inhibiting PDE5 increases cGMP concentrations
- Originally for BP due to vasodilator properties
Different Types of cAMP Transients Used for Signaling:
- High cAMP levels are toxic
- Want transient cAMP levels
- Shape and duration encode specific information
- (Example: signaling to nucleus for transcription require more robust or prolonged cAMP increases)
- Shape and duration encode specific information
- Olfactory: oscillating cAMP
- Mechanisms to rapidly produce in a local area and then degrade
The cAMP Signal Transduction System:
- Agnosists (peptide hormones, catacholamines, muscarinic agonists and neurotransmitters) to receptors to influence AC (adenylyl cyclases)
- cAMP activates protein kinases to phosphorylate proteins and modulate their activity
- Exception: Olfactory epithelium
- CNG-cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels
- Opens ion channels without protein kinases
- Exception: Olfactory epithelium
- Specificity is dictated by receptors on cells.
- Cells will have multiple types of receptors coupled to the stimulation or inhibition of adenylyl cyclases
- 1st messenger doesn’t need to enter the cell to cause physiological effects

PKA Reaction:
- Discovered by Krebs and Fischer at UW
- Regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) subunits
- R is inhibitory
- cAMP:R→R:cAMP complex dissociates from PKA→C is activated
- Need R to dissociate for PKA to work
- cAMP causes R to dissociate
Protein Phosphatases and the cAMP Regulatory System:
- Phosphatases “undo” actions of PKA
- Ex: calcineurin is a Ca2+ stimulated enzyme
- Calcinerurin catalyzes deP of AMPA receptors, decreases synaptic transmission
- Ex: calcineurin is a Ca2+ stimulated enzyme
- Signal terminated by dephosphorylation/decreased levels of 2nd messenger
- cAMP regulatory system works in vivo
Different Types of Protein Kinases:
- cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKA)
- cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKG)…vision
- Calcium regulated kinases:
- Myosin light chain kinases: smooth/skeletal muscle
- Phosphorylase kinase (also cAMP regulated)
- Calmodulin stimulated protein kinases
- Bind Ca2+ and stimulates calmodulin-dependent protein kinases
- Regulated by DAG and Ca2+
- Receptor tyrosine kinases
- Growth, proliferation and differentiation
Number of Protein Kinases:
- Lots have recently been discovered
- 500 different types in human, not all are seen in one cell type
Dendrogram of 491 PK domains from 478 genes:
Different classes of protein kinases and close to 500 in humans
cAMP Activation of Glycogenolysis and Inhibition of Glycogen Synthesis
- Catecholamines liberate glucose in skeletal muscle and liver
- Liver: 2nd messenger is Ca2+
- Skeletal: 2nd messenger is cAMP
- Epinephrine or glucagon
- ATP→(AC)→cAMP→(PDE)→3’,5’AMP
- cAMP activates PK
- Phosphorylates glycogen synthase to inactivate it
- Phosphorylates phosphorylase kinase to activate it
- Phosphorylates phosporylase kinase b to activate it
- cAMP activates PK
- ATP→(AC)→cAMP→(PDE)→3’,5’AMP
- Kinases leads to amplification
- Rapid generation of free glucose in “fight or flight”
- Depletion of glycogen not significant in endurance exercise using large muscle groups
- Liver responsible for maintaining glucose concentration in bloodstream
- Ca2+ stimulates phosphorylase kinase
- Phosphorylase kinase activity differs between cell types

cAMP and Lipolysis (Fatty Acid Metabolism)
- Hormones and catecholamine’s stimulate AC to increase cAMP in fat cells
- ^cAMP→stimulate PKA→phosphorylate lipase/activate it
- Lipase breaks down TG to FA and glycerol
- Methylxanthense stimulate this by inhibit PDE and activating AC
- Beta-blockers
- Block adrenaline activation, but not peptide hormone (glucagon), activation of fat adenylyl cyclases…different receptors
Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase Activity is required for Leptin Sensitivity:
- (-)AC3, obese
- Not because deficient in lipolysis, but rather leptin insensitive
- Fat secrete leptin→leptin receptors in hypothalamus to decrease hunger/food consumption
- Leptin:leptin receptors→form alpha-MSH→MC4-R+cAMP→appetite suppression
- MC4-R coupled to AC3
- Transcriptional process
- Leptin:leptin receptors→form alpha-MSH→MC4-R+cAMP→appetite suppression
Some Neurotransmitter Receptors Regulate cAMP
- Beta and alpha adrenergic, dopamine, norepi, serotonin, muscarinic, histamine
- Norepi, dopamine, serotonin, muscarinic coupled to AC in neurons
- cAMP produced modulates ion channel activity, increases neurotransmitter release and increases in transcription
- cAMP→PKA→ion channel effects
- CNG channels in brain that are directly gated by cAMP
cAMP Oscillates During the Heart Contraction Cycle:
- E and NE (catecholamines) stimulate contractility w/ positive inotropic and chronotropic effects in heart
- Activate beta-adrenergic receptors in myocardium coupled to AC activation
- Cyclical cAMP parallels contraction cycle
- Regulate contraction cycle w/o adrenergic stimulation
cAMP Mediates Olfaction:
- Odor/Pheremone receptors coupled to stimulation of AC
- cAMP opens Na+ specific channel. cGMP also regulates ion channels in sensory cilia

cAMP Stimulates Transcription through CRE (cAMP Response Element):
- cAMP-PKA phosphorylates TF (CREB)
- P-CREB to CRE in DNA to stimulate transcription
- CREB transcription in long-term memory
cAMP and Human Disease:
- Tumors
- Psoriasis: rapid proliferation of skin cells
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism: defects in hormone response b/c defect in hormone coupling system (receptor→AC disrupted)
- Bacterial toxins: increase cAMP
- Depression
- Obesity
- Graves Disease
Graves Disease:
- Ab to activate TSH
- TSH receptor coupled to AC; cAMP stimulates release of thyroid hormone
- Ab→^TSH→^cAMP→^thyroid hormone→goiter

Intracellular Free Calcium is Tightly Regulated:
- Ca2+ controls: secretion, metabolism, muscle contraction, cell shape, growth, proliferation, cell survival, synaptic plasticity, and transcription
- Normal [intracellular Ca2+]=100nM
- Pumped into ER, mitochondria, or out of cell
- Extracellular Ca2+=mM
- Intracellular increase from 0.1uM to 10 uM
- Ca2+ Channels: allow extracellular calcium to enter
- Voltage gated (neurons and heart)
- NMDA glutamate activated channels
- Need glutamate AND depolarization
Receptors Coupled Through Phospholipase C Increase Intracellular Free Calcium
- PLC breaks down PIP2 into IP3 and DAG
- IP3 binds to IP3 receptor and releases Ca2+ from ER membrane
- Ca2+ can then regulate PKC and calmodulin
(calmodulin) CaM-Regulated Proteins:
- Enzymes:
- Cyclic nucleotide PDE
- AC
- ATP-dependent Ca2+ pumps
- Myosin light chain kinase
- CaM kinase I, II, and IV
- Phosphorylase kinase
- Calcineurin
- NO synthase
- RasGRF1, a CaM-activated GEF
- Nonenzymatic Proteins:
- Tubulin
- Troponin I
- Spectrin, fodrin, caldesmon, calspectin, cytosynalin
- MAP-2 and Tau
- Neuromodulin and Neurogranin
- Ca2+ channels
Calmodulin Structure:
- 4 Ca2+ binding sites
- Ca2+ to CaM→exposes hydrophobic domain on CaM→enhances affinity for its target protein
The phospholipase A2/Arachidonic pathway:
Agonists (serotonin and dopamine subclasses)→Receptors (GPCR)→PLA2→AA (2nd messenger)→Prostaglandin
General Properties of Adenylyl Cyclase
- Catalyze formation of cAMP from ATP
- Km=0.1mM
- Intracellular [ATP]=several mM
- Enzyme saturated; regulated by turnover rate
- Different adenylyl cyclases have different regulation, tissue and subcellular distributiona
Adenylyl Cyclases in Membranes:
- 12 transmembrane domains and 2 cytoplasmic loops by hydropathy analysis
- Recombinant without transmembrane domains has catalytic activity regulated by G protein
- Cytoplasmic loops=catalytic activity
- Stimulated by forskolin; drug that binds to C domain
- Function of transmembrane domains?
- 1) Ion channel? Pump cAMP out of cell to finish signal?
- 2) Membrane anchoring/subcellular location?
- 3) Voltage sensitivity (seen in hippocampal and cortical neurons)?; Have charged amino acids. Or are they associated with voltage-sensitive protein?
Structure of the C1 and C2 domains of adenylyl cyclase:
- Two G-coupling proteins, Gi and Gs, bind to catalytic domains
- Forskolin, from plants, binds C domains
- Promote interaction between C1 and C2
Adenylyl Cyclase Regulatory Mechanisms: (How to Regulate AC)
- Stimulation by Gs-coupled receptors:
- Gs and Gi proteins couple stimulatory and inhibitory proteins to specific AC
- Ex: B-adrenergic in heart/resp. smooth muscle coupled to stimulation of AC through Gs→relaxation/vasodilation
- Inhibition by Gi-coupled receptors:
- Ex: Muscarinic receptors inhibit AC and depress cAMP
- A2-adrenergic receptors also inhibit AC through Gi
- Stimulation by PKC
- Inhibition by PKA
- *Feedback inhibition*
- cAMP increases→activates PKA→deactivates AC
- Ex: AC5
- Calcium stimulation mediated through calmodulin
- Required for consolidating/memory formation
- Ex: AC1 and AC8
- Calcium inhibition AC3
- Ex: Mediated through CaM Kinase II phosphorylation of AC3
- Calcium inhibited AC in olfactory system
- PDE stimulation and inhibition of AC
- Voltage sensitivity
- Stimulation or Inhibition by the beta/gamma complex of G-coupling proteins
- Ex: AC2 and AC4 are stimulated by beta/gamma
Hormone Regulation
- Tissue specificity of AC
- Heart: Beta-adrenergic receptors stimulation of AC, muscarinic receptor inhibition of AC
- Liver: Glucagon and beta-adrenergic receptors are coupled to stimulation of AC
- Adipose: 7 receptors coupled to stimulate AC
Multiple receptors can couple to a single AC catalytic subunit:
- Non-additive effects
- Multiple receptors to a single catalytic subunit
Membrane fusion experiment:
- Cell with receptor only and cell with AC only showed no hormone-stimulated AC activity
- Fused membrane had activity
Glucagon Dose Response:
Agonist binding corresponds quantitatively with stimulation of AC
Beta-Adrenergic Agonist Dose Response Curve:
- Interactions of agonists with their receptors are specific
- E and NE curve similar but not the same
- Different isoforms of isoproterenol have very different curves
- Receptor interactions have high affinity and very specific
Beta-agonists and antagonists:
- Binding of drugs is necessary but not sufficient for stimulating AC
- Agonist binding→conformational change→activate receptor
- Antagonist→high binding energy→no conformational change→energy lost as heat
Receptor Mechanisms:
- Receptor stimulation of AC by hormones, neurotransmitters or catecholamine’s requires 3 protein substrates:
- Stimulatory receptor, Rs
- Gs
- C subunit of AC
- Receptor inhibition of AC by hormones, neurotransmitters or catcholamine’s requires 3 protein substrates:
- Inhibitory receptor, Ri
- Gi
- C subunit of AC
- Need:
- (1) Receptor (Rs or Ri)
- (2) G protein (Gs or Gi)
- (3) C subunit of AC
Adenylyl cyclase active when GTP bound to Gs:
- Gs and Gi active when have GTP bound
- Have intrinsic GTPase activity
- GTP→GDP inactivates G-protein activity
- Hormone receptors complexed to receptors are GEF (guanylyl nucleotide exchange factors)
- GTP→GDP bound to G-coupled proteins
- Increases off rate of GDP from G-coupled proteins so that GTP can bind

Heterotrimeric structure of Gs and Gi:
- 3 subunits in G protein: alpha, beta and gamma
- Alpha subunits are GTPase activity
- Beta/gamma inhibit alpha
- GTP binds alpha→beta/gamma dissociate→alpha activated→stimulates AC activity (Gs) or inhibition AC activity (Gi)
- Beta/gamma shuffles between Gs and Gi
- Coordinated regulation
Model for G protein Activation:
- Alpha subunits has GDP bound and beta/gamma associated→inactive
- Receptor/agonist complex (GEF) catalyzes exchange of GTP→GDP to phosphorylate GDP bound to alpha subunit
- GTP bound alpha subunit causes beta/gamma to dissociate
- G-alpha then interacts to activate Gs or Gi
- G protein allows multiple receptors to influence enzyme
- Are the shuttle between receptors and ACs
Symmetry for G protein regulation of AC:
When Gs is activated beta/gamma dissociate and then inhibit Gi
Cholera Toxin and Gs:
- ADP-ribosylation of Gs-alpha
- Inactivates GTPase activity
- Permanently activated
- High cAMP→diarrhea
Pertussis Toxin:
- ADP-ribosylation of Gi-alpha
- Inactivates Gi
- Increases cAMP
- Neutralizes immune response in lungs
- Pertussis also makes its own small AC that invades lungs and increases cAMP
Anthrax Adenylyl Cyclase:
- Invasive cAMP
- Activated by calmodulin
- If lacking AC, avirulent
- Edema factor
Vibrio vulnificus biotype 3 toxin is an AC toxin essential for virulence in mice:
Invasive AC
- Unresponsive to parathyroid and other hormone that normally couple to AC stimulation
- Low cAMP levels
- Mutated Gs
Pituitary and Thyroid Tumors:
- GHRH→GHRH receptor→Gs→AC→cAMP→GH
- Mutation in Gs-alpha, lose GTPase activity, high cAMP levels, uncontrolled growth
Analogy between transducin and Gs
- cGMP interacts with sodium channel in rod to open them
- cGMP lowered by PDE, channel closes
- Transducin is like Gs and Gi
- Activates PDE
Model of the transducin/visual signaling system:
Signal: light, receptor:rhodopsin, G-protein:transducing, effector system:cGMP PDE, second messenger is cGMP

How many G-coupling proteins?
- Hundreds of cell receptors are GPCR
- 20 different G-coupling proteins (Gs, Gi, Gt, Go)
G proteins have common transmembrane topology:
All GPCR to G-proteins have 7 transmembrane domains
Examples of GPCR:
- Vary in molecular size
- 7 transmembrane domain, extracellular NH2/intracellular COOH