Quiz 1 - cranial measurements Flashcards
Maximum cranial length
distance between glabella (g) and opisthocranion (op),
Maximum cranial breadth
maximum width of skull perpendicular to midsagittal plane wherever it is located, with the exception of the inferior temoporal lines and the area immediately surrounding them. Euryons (eu-eu);
Bizygomatic Diamter
direct distance between most lateral points on the zygomatic arches (zy-zy);
Basion-Bregma Height
direct distance from the lowest point on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum (ba), to bregma (b).
cranial base length
direct distance from nasion (n) to basion (ba).
basion-prosthion length
direct distance from basion (ba) to prosthion (pr). spreading or sliding caliper
Maxillo-Alveolar breadth
maximum breadth across the alveolar borders of the maxilla measured on the lateral surfaces at the location of the second maxillary molars (ecm).
maxillo-alveolar length
direct distance from prosthion (pr) to alveolon (alv). calipers used only if incisors missing
biauricular breadth
least exterior breadth across the roots of the cygomatic processes (au), wherever found.
upper facial height
direct distance from nasion (n) to prosthion (pr)
minimum frontal breadth
direct distance between the two frontotemporale (ft)
upper facial breadth
direct distance between the two external points on the frontomalar suture (fmt)
nasal height
direct distance from nasion (n) to the midpoint of a line connecting the lowest points of the inferior margin of the nasal notches (ns)
nasal breadth
maximum breadth of the nasal aperture (al-al)
orbital breadth
laterally sloping distance from dacryon (d) to ectoconchion (ec)