Quiz #1 CP Flashcards
CP is damage to the brain that controls____ _____
muscle tone
Spastic CP - characteristics (5)
- increased muscle tone that is velocity dependent
- Exaggerated tendon jerks
- Clonus
- Difficulty isolating movements
- Hemi, di, or quad
Athetoid CP - Characteristics (4)
AKA Dyskinetic type
- Slow, involuntary, writhing, twisting, worm like . movements
- Fluctuating tone-low tone
- Difficult control over body
- Can ambulate or may be in w/c
Ataxic CP - characteristics (6) (least common)
- uncoordinated movements occurring with voluntary movement
- poor balance
- wide-based gait
- fall and stumble
- depth-perception deficits
- Unable to walk a straight line
Generally diagnosed as mixed CP which two are the most common to present together?
- Athetoid
2. Spastic
Mixed CP characteristics (3)
- spastic muscle tone
- involuntary movements
- combination of rapid movements and slow voluntary movements
Hypotonic in relation to CP
Hypotonic is not a type of CP; it’s not spastic and usually undiagnosed. Unable to move to function
Gower’s Sign -
- Which MD?
- Characteristics
- clinical sign for diagnosing Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(DMD) and Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD)
- Walk up legs with hands to stand from a seated position or from the floor
ATNR - Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- Appears at birth and integrate by 3-6mon.
- Stimulant: turn fact to one side
- Reaction: Arm and Leg on the side of face turn extend and the opposite arm and leg flex
STNR - Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- Appear 6mon. integrate by 1yr
- Stimulant: neck extends
- Reaction: BUE extend, BLE flex;
Alternately if neck flex, then BUE flex, BLE extend
Palmar Grasp
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- Appears at birth integrates by 2-4mon
- Stimulant: stimulate skin on palmar side of hand
- Reaction: grasp stimulant
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- What is rooting linked to?
- Appears at birth, integrates by 4 mon.
- Stimulant: stroke cheek
- Reaction: turn head toward stimulus
- Sucking linked to rooting; no rooting and no sucking
Neck Righting - Huge Developmental Milestone
- Appears and integrate by
- Presentation
- Appears at 4-6mon, integrates by 5yoa
2. Rotate trunk in direction of head; how a baby relocates body
Parachute - Classic Protective Reaction
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- Appears at 6-9mon.; does not integrate - reflex for life
- Simulant: Vertical suspension
- Reaction: Arms extend as a defense reaction
* if child does not develop - protect from falling; possibly wear helmet
Moro/Startle Reflex
- Appear and integrate by
- Stimulant
- Reaction
- Appear at 28 weeks in utero, integrates by 4-5mon.
- Stimulant: sudden movement of neck
- Reaction: rapid ABD and Ext of arms, open hands, tighten back, flex legs, and cry
Treatment of CP focuses on (7)
- Seating
- positioning
- Mobility
- gait
- orthotics
- Adaptive equipment
- Adaptive play
CP affects what occupations and how? (10)
- Dressing - buttons/zippers (spastic-contracture, athetoid-low tone, ataxic-uncoordinated)
- feeding - gag reflex/aspiration/pneumonia
- Toileting - bowel/bladder management
- Fn. mobility
- Personal hygienes
- Meal prep/clean-up - depending on the age
- Education: cognitive impairment assumed; placed with peers with low cognition, they do not excel (cognitive impairment with mixed and Spastic quad)
- Play - movements, hearing, vision
- Social participation - peer left out
- Work - 16yoa-1st job, need accommodations possibly
Milestones affected by Duchenne MD (DMD) at 2yoa (2)
- Gait affected - difficulty climbing stairs
Milestones affected by Duchenne MD (DMD) at 5yoa (2)
- difficulty manipulating buttons & zippers to dress self due to muscle weakness
- Unable to run/jump/skip with peers due to proximal muscle weakness (developmental delay that sig. DMD)
Milestones affected by Duchenne MD (DMD) at 12yoa (2)
- Unable to increase strength in gross motor activity specifically LE due to w/c bound by 12yoa
- Unable to spend more time with peers than parents due to the inability to keep up, fatigue, self-esteem