Quiz 1: Clinical Outcome Measures + Support Servicse Flashcards
True Positive
Correctly identifies the presence of a condition
True Negative
Correctly identifies the absence of a condition
False Positive
Incorrectly indicates the presence of a condition
False Negative
Incorrectly indicates the absence of a condition
- Sensitivity = TP / (TP+FN)
- A high sensitivity value indicates that the test is good at detecting the condition when it is present
Specificity = (TN) / (TN+FP)
A high specificity value indicates that the test is good at confirming the absence of the condition
Odds Ratio
- Measure of association between an exposure and an outcome
- The odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of the exposure
- An OR of 1 implies that the event is equally likely in both groups
Likelihood Ratio
Assess the value of performing a diagnostic test. They combine the information of sensitivity and specificity
LR+ Greater than 1
Increases the likelihood of the disease
LR - 1
Decreases the likelihood of the disease
Positive Predictive Value
A measure of the probability that subjects with a positive diagnostic test truly have the disease
Negative Predictive Value
A measure of the probability that subjects with a negative diagnostic test truly do not have the disease.
- A high NPV indicates that when the test is negative, it is highly likely to be correctly indicating the absence of the condition
The proportion of a population who have a specific characteristic at a specific point in time
(Tells you how widespread a disease or condition is in a population at a given time)
- Number of existing cases / Total Population
- A measure of the rate at which new cases of a disease occur in a population over a specified period of time
- Provides information about the risk of contracting the disease for individuals in a population
Risk Ratio (Relative Risk)
- Measure of the probability of an event occurring in an exposed group to the probability of an event occurring in a comparison, non exposed group
- A risk ratio of 1 indicates no difference in risk between groups
- A risk ratio greater than 1 indicates increased or decreased risk.
How to ensure the potential patient/client is appropriate for physical therapy
1) Perform thorough systems review during initial evaluation
2) Determine if the reason for going to physical therapy is related to a Neuromuscular, or MSK dysfunction within the scope of PT practice
When to assess if the patient is still appropriate for PT
1) If the patient is not getting better with plan of care and interventions implemented
2) If patient is getting worse
3) If patient develops new signs and symptoms that may indicate a non-PT source for the patient/client’s condition
What is a yellow flag
Signs and symptoms that should cause the healthcare practitioner to utilize caution and perform further evaluation
What is a red flag?
Associated with signs and symptoms that are historically associated with high risk factors to specific diseases
What do you do when these yellow or red flags appear?
Follow up with screening to further evaluation the issue