Quiz 1 (Chs 1 & 2) Flashcards
Most traditional form of private dispute resolution; can be administered by private orgs. or non-administered (managed solely by the parties); can be entered into by agrmt or prescribed in pre-dispute clauses in an underlying agreement. Arbitration can take many forms…
Binding Arbitration
Private adversarial process with a neutral third party (or 3 neutrals) to render a final decision or award. Process is less formal than lit. in that parties can craft own procedures and decide if any formal ev. rules will apply. If there is no fraud or other defect, the award or decision is enforceable by the court not subj. to appellate review.
Non-Binding Arbitration
Same as binding expect the neutral’s decision is advisory only - the parties may agree in advance to use said decision as a tool in resolving their dispute thru negotiation or other means.
Baseball or “Final Offer” Arb.
used increasingly in commercial disputes. Each party submits a proposed monetary award to arbitrator. At the conclusion of the hearing, the arb. picks one award without modification - giving each party incentive to offer a reasonable proposal.
“Bounded” or “High-Low” Arb.
parties agree privateley without informing the arb. that the arb.’s final award will be adjusted to a bounded range. if the award selected exceeds the range, it is lowered to maximum. If it is within the range, the parties are bound by that figure.
A process by which the facts relevant to a controversy are determined. Is a component of other ADR procedures and can take a # of forms: Neutral FF: parties appoint a neutral 3rdparty to perform the function and typically determine in advance whether the results of the fact-finding will be conclusive or advisory only.
Expert FF: parties privately employ neutrals to render expert opinions that are conclusive or non-binding on technical, scientific or legal questions. In the latter, a former judge is often employed.
Joint FF: parties designate representatives to work together to develop responses to factual questions.
A voluntary &informal process in which the disputing parties select a neutral 3rdparty to assist them in reaching a negotiated settlement. Parties can employ mediation as a result of a K provision by private agreement made when disputes arise, or as part of a court-annexed program that diverts cases to mediation. Unlike a judge or arbitrator, a mediator has NO power to impose a solution on the parties. Rather, mediators ASSIST parties in shaping solutions to meet their interests and objectives
Mediation is sometimes referred to as. . .
Facilitation, to structure participation in the med. process. Those who take facilitative approach may not suggest settlement terms and will encourage parties to generate their own. Or conciliation, in the international arena.
Two ends of Mediator Spectrum
Facilitators and evaluators. Evaluators will propose settlement options and try to persuade parties to make concessions.
parties agree to mediate with the understanding that any issues not settled through the mediation will be resolved by arb. asking the same med. to act both as med. and arb. However, that choice may have a chilling effect on full participation in the mediation portion. A party might not believe that the arbitrator will be able to discount unfavorable information learned in mediation when making the arbitration decision.
Multi-Step ADR
Parties may agree (either at time of dispute or in previous agrmt) to engage in a progressive series of dispute res. procedures. 1 step is typically some form of negot., preferably face-2-face. If unsuccessful, a 2nd tier of neg. between higher levels of execs may resolve the matter. The 3rd step may be mediation or another facilitated settlement effort. If no res. has been reached yet, there may be a binding res. - thru arb, private adjudication, or litigation.
Wise Man Procedure in Multi-Step ADR
typically used when problems arise in long-term partnerships such as those in the oil and gas industry (could also be useful in the high-technology field and other areas involving close and continuing business relationships). This procedure refers matters 1st to a partnership committee which oversees the day-to-day operations of the project. If the problem cannot be resolved at that level, the wise-man option — the next ADR step — is employed. In that step, wise men (or women), who are respected senior executives of each company who are uninvolved in the project, are given a fairly short time frame (sometimes just 30 days) to investigate the dispute. If that fails, the matter goes to a 3rd step, usually binding arbitration.
Negotiated Rule-Making
AKA Reg-Neg, an alternative to traditional approach of US govt agencies to issue regs after a lengthy notice and comment period. agency officials and affected private parties meet under the guidance of a neutral facilitator to engage in joint negotiation and drafting of the rule. The public is then asked to comment on the resulting, proposed rule. By encouraging participation by interested stakeholders, the process makes use of private parties’ perspectives and expertise, and can help avoid subsequent litigation over the resulting rule.
An organizational dispute res. tool. The ombudsperson is appointed by an institution to investigate complaints within the institution and either prevent disputes or facilitate their resolution. The ombud. may use various ADR mechanisms like fact-finding or mediation in the process of resolving disputes brought to her attention.
Typically used as a dispute-prevention method for large construction projects, this method is capable of being transposed in other settings, particularly in joint ventures. Before the work starts, parties to the project generally assemble for a several-day retreat away from their organizations. With the help of a third-party neutral, they get to know each other, discuss some of the likely rough spots in the project and even settle on a process to resolve misunderstandings and disputes as the project progresses.