Quiz 1 Flashcards
Laboratory remount
To correct Errors in occlusion form processing
To return denture to correct VDO
To restore centric contacts and bilateral balanced occlusion
Master cast is recovered from deflasking procedures
Denture is still attached to the cast
Avoid grinding
Functional cusps
Selective grinding
Confine your initial reductions to cusp inclines central fossa and marginal ridges
Maxillary functional cusp
Mandibular functional cups
Buccal cusp
Contacts confined to
Central floss and marginal ridges
Goals of selective grinding
Obtain evenly distributed centric contacts on central fossa and marginal ridges
Occlusal index jig
Presses the face bow orientation of the maxillary cast
Reasons for occlusal jig
Mast cast is destroyed during deceasing and retrieval of the processed denture
Preserves the face bow transfer
Denture polish goals
Remove surface scratches
Obtain highly polished smooth surfaces
Minimize the potential for harboring of candida
Decasting procedure
Carefully pry off the denture from the cast
Results in losing the gingival contours developed during festooning procedures
Polished dentures goals
CD borders must be rounded and smooth
The palate must be highly polished and have proper thickness
Intaglio surfaces must not be polished
Most common frenum to become irritated from denture overextension
Maxillary labial frenum
A reasoned area that will maintain intimate contact with he tissues.
Post insertion CD problems generally occur in one of 4 categories
Fit/pressure related
Size/extension related
Occlusion related
24 hour post insertion appointment
Schedule adjustment appointments until areas of inflammation subside and patient is comfortable
__________ annual appointments to evaluate if any adjustment required
6 months to yearly appointments
Occlusion should be checked
Soreness may develop _________ because of heavy occlusal contacts
Crest of the ridge
Soreness may develop _________ because of shifting of denture base
Slopes of RR
Overextension results in
Trauma of the tissues producing tenderness swelling ulceration and inflammation
Difficulty in swallowing overextension of _______or ______
Overextension of DL flange of mandibular denture
Overextension in posterior of maxillary denture
Overextension of DL flange of mandibular denture to
Reduce using PIP
Patient should place tongue to oppposite side of mouth to check for overextension