Quiz 1 Flashcards
A person questions why morality in practice is necessary
moral indifference
Duty to tell the truth
The process by which a client gives written permission for a treatment or procedure to be performed
informed consent
Client’s ability to make their own choices and decisions
Decision making that provides the greatest good for the greatest number
A person witnesses an immoral act but feels powerless to stop it
moral outrage
HIPAA, ADA, and the uniform anatomical gift act are examples of this
federal regulations
Compares the relative weights of goals, duties, and rights
intuitionist reasoning
These define and limit the practice of nursing in each state
nurse practice acts
Health care providers are legally required to report these
abuse and communicable diseases
Seeks fairness in matters related to care and use of resources
Unsure about application or moral principles or values
moral uncertainty and conflict
Communicates a client’s wishes regarding end of life care
advanced directives
Utilitarian ethical theory is also referred to as
teleological theory
The laws and rules governing nursing practice in a certain state
statutory law
Based on the premise that individuals have basic inherent rights that should not be interfered with
rights-based reasoning
Organization constraints make it difficult to do what is right
moral distress
Avoid causing harm
Keep privileged information private
The main problem affecting nurses; a threat to nurses integrity
moral distress
Most malpractice cases are an example of this type of law
tort law
Health care providers are legally required to report these
abuse and communicable diseases
Uses both duty-based and rights-based reasoning
deontological ethical theory
Protects providers who provide emergency assistance outside of their workplace
Good Samaritan laws
The failure of a person with professional training to act in a manner that is reasonable and prudent
professional negligence or malpractice