Quiz 1 Flashcards
early renaissance to roman baroque
What years was the dome of Florence Cathedral built?t
Who designed the dome of Florence Cathedral ?
Filippo Brunelleschi
Where is the dome of Florence Cathedral ?
Florence, italy
When was the lantern of the dome completed?
the main north-south street in an ancient Roman orthogonal city grid
the main east-west street in an ancient Roman orthogonal city grid
Italian for “square”. An open space, usually oblong, surrounded by buildings.
central plan
a ground plan that is symmetrical in all directions
a semicircular niche surmounted by a semi-dome
a cylindrical or polygonal structure that crowns a dome, its base usually open to allow
light to enter the area below
a temporary wooden framework used to hold construction material in place until a
vault or arch is self-sustaining
What year was the foundling hospital (Ospedale degli Innocenti), filippo B. built?
begun 1419, finished
Where is the Founding hospital by Filippo B.
Florence, italy
What is another name for the founding hospital?
Ospedale delgi innocenti
Architect of the founding hospital (ospedale delgi inocenti)
Filippo Brunolleschi
Who designed the church of san lorenzo?
Filippo. B
When was the church of san lorenzo built
1421 - 1470
Where is the church of st lorenzo
Florence italy
Who was the patron of the church of san lorenzo
The Medici family
who designed the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi
Michelozzo di bartolomeo
when was the medici-raccardi palace (palazzo medici-riccardi) built
Who was the patron of the palazzo medici-ricardi
Cosimo de’ Medici
Who designed the facade of the Rucellai palace (palazzo Rucellai)
Leonbattista Alberti
When was the facade of the Rucellai palace built
Who was the patron of the facade of the palazzo rucellai?
Giovanni Rucellai
Who designed the Sant’ Andrea
Leonbattista Alberti
When was the Sant’ Andrea by Leonbattista Alberti built
Where is the Sant’ Andrea
Where is the facade of the Rucellai palace
Florence Italy
Who built the tempietto?
Donato bramante
Where is the tempietto? (Renaissance rome)
Rome, Italy
When was the tempietto built?
Who was the patron for the tempietto
Ferdinand II,
King of Sicily and Aragon, and Queen Isabella of Castile and León.
who designed the New st peters (Plan)
Donato Bramante
when was the plan for the new st peters made?
Who was the patron for the plan of the new st peters?
Pope Julius II
Where,, plan of the new st peters?
Rome, Italy
an open, colonnaded, roofed space serving as a porch before the entrance to a building
in classical architecture, the orders consist of variations of an assembly of parts made up
of a column, a capital, and an entablature.
pietra serena
a grey sandstone from near Florence, often used for architectural sculpture
a compartment or division of the interior or exterior of a building
the triangular area between adjoining arches, or the triangular area next to a single arch
In ancient Roman architecture, a large rectangular building used as a tribunal or for
other public purposes and generally arranged with nave, aisles, and one or more apses. In
Christian architecture, a basilica is a longitudinal church of related form.
the main central space of a basilica church plan interior extending from the entrance to the
a passage or corridor parallel to the nave of a church or an ancient basilica and separated
from it by columns or piers
the extensions to the north and south of a cross-shaped church, usually between the
nave and the choir
the area where the nave and transept intersect in a cruciform church, frequently
surmounted by a tower or dome
the area around and, particularly, in front of a high altar
a circular or multi-angular termination of a church at its eastern end
(Italian) a large palace, private house, or public building in Italy
a vertical bar between the panes of glass, or lights, in a window
the upper part of the order in a classical building, supported by columns
the lowest part of an entablature, which rests on the top of a column
the middle of the three divisions of an entablature, between the architrave and cornice
the top part of an entablature, which crowns or finishes it
string course
a horizontal band or course, for instance of bricks or stones, incorporated in or
applied to a flat wall as decoration
A shallow pier or rectangular form projecting from a wall. In classical architecture it
conforms to the orders and carries an entablature.
an ornamental entrance to a building, especially a large one
a vault forming a half cylinder
barrel vault
in classical architecture, it is the portion of a pedestal between its base and cornice; in
modern usage it is the lower portion of an interior wall when decorated separately
the area below the base supporting a column or colonnade; the term is also used more
loosely to describe the base for a statue or a building resting on it
a cylindrical or polygonal vertical wall supporting a dome
in architecture, a solid support designed to sustain vertical pressure
the exterior vertical face of a building; also a drawing made in projection on a vertical
plane to show any one face (or elevation) of a building
the horizontal arrangement of the parts of a building or a drawing or diagram showing
such an arrangement as a horizontal section
who designed the Sant’ Andrea?
Leonbattista alberti
when was the Sant’ Andrea designed?
Where is the Sant’ Andrea located?
Who was the patron of the sant’ andrea
Ludovico Gonzaga
When was the apse and dome of saint peters basilica completed?
who designed the apse and dome of st peters basilica?
Where is saint peters basilica
Rome italy
Who designed the laurentian library?
when did the building of the laurentian library begin
Where is the laurentian library?
Florence italy
Who was the partron of the laurentian library?
the medici family
the vestibule and reading room are found in what building?
the laurentian library
when was the pirro ligorio, gardens, Villa d’Este nuilt?
1560 - 1572
who was the patron of the pirro ligorio, gardens, villa deste built?
Cardinal ippolito d’este
where is the villa d’este located?
Tivoli, Italy
what is the work known for its representation of mannerism?
Palazzo del te
when was the palazzo del t built
where is the palazzo del te?
Mantua, Italy
Who is the patron of the giulio Romano, palazzo del te?
Federigo II gonzaga
what is the veneto?
the four books of architecture
who wrote the four books of architecture?
when was four books of architecture published?
what classical architect’ theory was incorperated in the four books?
Who was the architect of the Villa maser?
Andrea Palladio
when was the villa maser built?
1549 - 1558
Where is the villa maser located?
Maser, Italy
Who is the patron of the villa Maser?
Daniele Barbaro
a vault forming a half cylinder
barrel vault
a large and luxurious country house in its own grounds
a gallery or room with one or more open sides, especially one that forms part of a house
and has one side open to the garden
detached or semi detached structure. used for specialist activities such as entertainment. enclosed or open. in exhibitions or gardens
in classical architecture, a low-pitched gable crowning a portico or façade
a round building or room, especially one with a dome
broken pediment
a pediment that is interrupted or “broken” in the middle
an enclosed area in front of a cathedral or church, typically surrounded with colonnades or porticoes
A large french country house or castle
the upper end wall of a building which mirrors the shape (usually triangular) of the pitched roof against which it abuts
a recessed panel in a ceiling
Peristyle (from Greek peri round and stylos column)
a range of columns surrounding a building or open court
an alley in a formal garden or park, bordered by trees or bushes
a level space in a garden occupied bu an ornamental arrangement of flower beds
a small shallow pond, sometimes accented by a fountain
An elaborate altarpiece combining architecture with sculpture and painting in a profusion of ornament, frequently occupying the entire wall behind the altar and the most decorated part of the church interior
an extended visit to the major cultural sires of southern Europe, especially Italy
Grand Tour
An architectural style derived from the buildings and publications of Italian architect Andrea Palladio (1508 - 80). His particular contribution lay in his elegant town and country houses (palazzos and villas) set in and around Vicenza
Who designed the Villa Maser?
Andrea Palladio
Who commissioned the Villa Maser
Daniele Barbaro
When was the villa Maser built?
1549 - 1558
Who designed the Villa Rotonda?
Andrea Palladio
Where is the villa Rotonda?
Vincenza Italy
When was the Villa Rotonda built?
1566 - 1571
Who is resposable for the New sixtus plan of rome?
Pope Sixtus V
When was the plan of sixtus V?
1585 - 1590