Quiz #1 Flashcards
Lecture notes including weeks 1-7
What are the five basic physics properties needed to understand BS?
Heat flows warm to cold Moisture flows warm to cold Moisture flows more to less Air flows from high pressure to low pressure Gravity acts down
What are the six measurable building characteristics?
Durability Moisture Management Energy Efficiency Indoor Air Quality Structural Performance Occupant Comfort
Define Moisture Management.
Moisture management is an adequate control of water as it infiltrates the building. (Not prevention, but control.)
Explain protected vs. unprotected structures.
Unprotected structures have the floors coming through to the exterior and stopping the wall. Protected structures have the exterior wall continue all the way up and the floor is stopped before the insulation to give a continuous thermal barrier.
What are the four design functions in every building? What must they do/resist?
Support functions Distribute functions Control functions Finish functions These functions must resist exterior loading, interior loading, and the enclosure itself.
Define support functions.
Distribute and transfer all physical loads.
Define distribute functions.
Transport or flow into, within and/or out of the building. Ex. allows air pressure to equalize in a wall.
Define control functions.
Into or out of the building, with respect to environmental loading. Ex. allow water to get in and out
Define finish functions.
Appearance and/or suitability (durability).
What are typical examples of exterior loading?
Main ones are: Temp. Solar Precipitation Others: Humidity Wind
What are typical examples of interior loading?
Main one: Relative humidity Others: Heat/cold Fire Mould Air pressure Water (Ex. pool)
At a basic level what is the primary function of the building enclosure?
To separate the exterior and interior environments.
What are the six regions of Canada?
Pacific Cordillera Prairie Northern Arctic Southeastern
Explain the pacific region.
Warm winters, lots of rain, more precip. in winter than summer
Explain the cordillera region.
On mountains, cold winters, moderate summers, lots of precip. but is consistent
Explain the prairie region.
Very cold winters, lots of wind, high wind chill, warm-hot summers, low avg. amount of precip.
Explain the northern region.
Very cold winters from early Oct. to mid May, summer moderate, short, northern areas have perma-frost
Explain the arctic region.
Bitterly cold winters from early Oct til mid May, break summers only breaking freezing, many areas have perma-frost, average precip., during winter is dark for 20hrs/day
Explain southeastern region.
Sometimes very cold in winter, mild springs, crisp autumns, long warm-hot summers, lots of precip in east coast, avg. in Ontario
What are the requirements of the building envelope?
Essential: control air flow, heat flow, light, solar and other radiation, entry of rain/snow *water vapour performs during service life provide strength and rigidity *be durable be economical Others: control noise control fire be visually pleasing