Quiz 1 Flashcards
Stylohyoid muscle function
Draw hyoid up and back to potentially elevate the larynx
Digastric muscle: anterior belly origin
Lowers border of the mandible
Basement membrane zone
Secures epithelium to Superior Lamina Propria.
Susceptible to injury due to vibration and shearing forces – creates NODULES NOT polyps.
Disease and injury damage connecting links between epithelium and this
Scar formation found on BMZ and also in nodules
Mucous membrane
Consists of epithelium and superficial lamina propria like jello with plastic wrap
Vocal ligament
Consists of Intermediate lamina propria (like a bundle of rubberbands) and Deep lamina propria (like a bundle of cotton threads)
Thyroarytenoid muscle
Vocalis + Muscularis
Vocal fold layers: Outermost
Epithelium: thin, stiff capsule; part of cover
Vocal fold layers: Second
Superficial lamina propria; Reinke’s space; part of cover
Vocal fold layers: Third
Intermediate lamina propria; part of transition
Digastric muscle: anterior belly insertion
Intermediate tendon
Digastric muscle: anterior belly function
Pulls hyoid anteriorly and superiorly to elevate the larynx; depresses jaw/mandible
Digastric muscle: posterior belly origin
Mastoid process
Digastric muscle: posterior belly insertion
Intermediate tendon
Digastric muscle: posterior belly function
Pulls hyoid anteriorly and superiorly to elevate the larynx; depresses jaw/mandible
Digastric muscle is a _______ suprahyoid muscle.
Geniohyoid muscle origin
Mental spine/symphysis of mandible
Geniohyoid muscle insertion
Hyoid body
Geniohyoid is a _____ muscle
Mylohyoid inferior origin
mylohyoid line on inner surface of mandible
Mylohyoid inferior insertion
Midline raphe
Mylohyoid is a _____ muscle
Geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles’ functions
pull hyoid anterior and superiorly to potentially elevate larynx
Stylohyoid muscle origin
Stylohyoid process of temporal bone
Stylohyoid muscle insertion
body of hyoid bone
Stylohyoid muscle runs laterally to
posterior belly of digastric muscle
Stylohyoid is a _____ muscle
Omohyoid muscle (inferior belly) origin
Omohyoid muscle (inferior belly) insertion
Intermediate tendon
Omohyoid muscle (superior belly) origin
Intermediate tendon
Omohyoid muscle (superior belly) insertion
Greater horn of hyoid
Omohyoid muscles’ functions
Pull hyoid down and back to potentially lower/depress the larynx
Omohyoid muscles are _________ muscles
Sternohyoid muscle
muscle that covers the ventral surface of throat
Sternohyoid muscle origin
manubrium of sternum and end of clavicle
Sternohyoid muscle insertion
lower border of hyoid bone
Sternohyoid muscle function
Pull hyoid bone down and lowers larynx
Sternohyoid is a ____________ muscle
Sternothyroid muscle origin
posterior surface of manubrium and first costal cartilage
Sternothyroid muscle insertion
oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid muscle function
depresses thyroid cartilage and lowers larynx