Quiz 1 Flashcards
Lacking courage; the inverse of encouragement, when people feel they do not belong in a useful, constructive manner.
Early recollections:
A single incident an individual can recall from under the age of 10; it must be able to be visualized, have a narrative (even if sparse), and should have a feeling associated with it and a part that vividly stands out.
Instilling courage in individuals, such as by showing faith in them, expecting them to be responsible for themselves, and valuing them for who they are.
Encouragement (in therapy):
The process of helping clients to feel they have worth as they are; when therapists demonstrate social interest to and for their clients.
Family constellation:
The early developmental influences on a person, typically comprising siblings, parents, other key persons, and the neighborhood and community.
holism :
treating of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.
Something that is deficient in form or structure and is objective, measurable, and contextual. sense of being “less than” or in a “minus” position
Inferiority complex:
A behavioral manifestation of a subjective feeling of inferiority.
Inferiority feeling:
An appraisal of deficiency that is subjective, global, and judgmental. incomplete feeling
Life style:
Perception of self/others/world. attitudes and convictions people have about how to find their place in the world; the instructions for how to belong.
Private or faulty logic:
Convictions that run counter to social interest, that are unique to the individual and do not facilitate useful, constructive belonging.
Social interest:
combo of feeling of belonging and contribution to welfare of humanity, responsibility, and community with others. Social connectedness.
An attempt to make up for a deficiency.
Biased (Ap)perception:
A perception with meaning attached to it.
capacity to move ahead in spite of danger, despair or fear
soft determinism:
human behaviour determined by causal events, but human free will exists when defined as the capacity to act according to one’s nature
felt plus:
private sense of superiority or perceived plus
“own” or “private”. Psychologists interested in this aspect of experience want to discover what makes each of us unique.
“law”. Psychologists who adopt this approach are mainly concerned with studying what we share with others. That is to say in establishing laws or generalizations.
Psychological typologies
classifications used by psychologists to describe the distinctions between people.
guilt feelings:
experienced and expressed as if they were serious judgments imposed upon oneself of moral failure or short-coming. hidden claims to superiority.