Quiz 1 Flashcards
Central Nervous System
Made up of Brain and Spinal Cord
Body’s command system
coordinates functions
initiates reactions
Spinal Cord
quick reflexes
Peripheral Nervous system
all parts of nervous system not in central nervous system
communicates with body’s sense organs and VOLUNTARY muscles
Sensory (afferent) –> brain
Motor (efferent)–> skeletal muscles to brain
Afferent Neurons
Sensory neurons
carry messages from body’s sense receptors (eyes, ears, nose, etc) to CNS
.9% of all neurons
Efferent Neurons
Motor neurons
carry signals from CNS to muscles and glands
account for 9% of neurons
communicates with internal organs and glands
arousal of “fight or flight”
returns body to homeostasis (balanced state)
Swift relfexes form all neural wiring within CNS 2 axons instead of 1 and dendrite 1 axon --> spinal cord 1 axon--> Skin or muscle
Receive signals, pass it through neuron
picks up neural transmissions at end and flows throughout neuron
Soma (cell body)
Contains nucleus and other structuress
Passes messages AWAY FROM cell body through its branches to other neurons
Myelin Sheath
fatty tissue layered segmentally encasing and protecting axons of some neurons
helps speed impulses
Axon terminals
form junctions with other nerve cells, sending signals
Contain neurotransmitters
Chemical messengers
reabsorption of neurotransmitter by the pre- synaptic neuron AFTER it has performed its function of transmitting a neural impulse
Action potential
Neural impulse: brief electrical charge travels down axon, generated by movement of positively charged atoms in and out of axon’s membrane
Resting potential
wen neuron doesn’t send signal = at rest
when at rest, neuron is negative relative to outside
Level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse
when reaches threshold, it’ll fire (action potential)
an exicitory stimulas causes sodium gates to open
positively charged sodium ions flow into cell
moves from -70 to 0 mv
A rush of positively charged K flow out of the cell, moving the membrane closer to 0mv
Effect of NA+ ions
when sodium flows in, cell goes from -70 MV to 0.
Effect of K+ ions
makes cell even closer to 0
Charge of cell membrane at resting potential
about -70 mv
when potassium gates stay open too long
neuron cannot respond to any stimulus
refractory period
when its hyper polarized
neuron can’t respond to any other stimulus
Endocrine system
Connected to CNS by hypothalamus in brain
Pituitary gland FUNCTIONS
- regulates other glands
- promotes growth in childhood
- stimulates milk production in pregnant women
- causes muscles to contract in labor, increase feelings of intimacy
Pituitary gland HORMONES
- growth hormone
- prolactin
- oxytocin
Pineal gland functions
- regulates circadian cycle (wake and sleep)
Hormone: melatonin
Thyroid gland
Regulates bodies metabolism
- Thyroxin
Thymus gland
Establishes immunity
- Thymocin
Adrenal gland
- controls blood pressure
- heart rate
- sweating
- controlled by sympathetic nervous system
Hormones: adrenaline and cortisol
Regulates blood sugar levels
influences hunger + eating behavior
- Insulin
Gonads (ovaries and testes)
produces egg cells (estrogen) acts to generate and promote reproduction influence sex drive Hormones: estrogen progesterone testoterone
Chemical messengers secreted into bloodstream