Quiz #1 Flashcards
What is the chapter advisor’s name?
Jason Sexton
What is Alpha Kappa Psi’s tag-line?
Shaping People, Shaping Business
What are Alpha Kappa Psi’s core values?
1) brotherhood
2) knowledge
3) integrity
4) service
5) unity
What is Alpha Kappa Psi’s vision statement?
Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders.
What are Alpha Kappa Psi’s guiding principles?
1) building brotherhood
2) lifelong learning
3) high ethical standards
4) improving communities
5) enhancing the fraternity for life
List five (of the ten) member responsibilities of Alpha Kappa Psi members.
1) attendance at every chapter meeting and function
2) cooperate with the president and other officers
3) make every effort to maintain at least a “B” average
4) meet financial obligations promptly
5) live the values of brotherhood, integrity, service, unity, and knowledge
What is the fraternity’s meeting opening question and response?
opening question: “Brothers, for what purpose are we gathered?”
response: “To deliberate, to receive council and advice, and to study the teachings of our fraternity so that we may become better leaders.”
How many meetings or required events can a student miss unexcused per academic term before they are subject to suspension from the chapter?
3 per semester, 2 per quarter
What constitutes a quorum at a meeting?
50% + 1 member in good standing
A motion must pass by ____ of the votes.
a majority
At any time, a voter may request what in order to understand the matter at hand?
point of information
What must a motion receive in order to be considered?
a second
Who are the members of the executive committee and what are their positions?
President: Emily Foo Executive VP: Peter Acquafredda Chief Financial Officer: Julia Cataliotti Chief Accounting Officer: Ryan Sheridan VP of Professional Development: Tim Rueter VP of Pledging: RJ Morrison VP of Membership: Caroline Riedman VP of Communications: Kayla Truong Master of Rituals: Rachel Overland VP of Alumni Relations: Rob Costanzo VP of Correspondence: Catherine McNarma
What are the other leadership positions in the chapter?
committees and committee chairs
Who are the pledge class officers?
President: Alexa Fasulo
VP: Mike Augusta
Secretary: Bryce Smith
Fundraising chair: Reilly Geritz
What is the Greek name of the local chapter?
Delta Zeta
When was the local chapter founded?
1955, rechartered in 2010
What is the fraternity’s initiation fee and what does it cover?
$84, includes recognition button, membership certificate and card, a subscription to the Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, other services and benefits
What is the fraternity’s pledge fee and what does it cover?
$48, includes PEP manual and the fraternal exam
What are the fraternity’s membership dues, what do they cover and when are they due?
- provide all services rendered to members and chapters
- the general administration of the fraternity
- the publishing and sending of the Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi
- some expenses related to regional and fraternity conferences
- payable semi-annually to the Heritage center through the local chapters by October 15th and February 15th
What are the local chapter dues and what do they cover?
$80-$165 depending on seniority; covers socials, some apparel, and events hosted by the chapter